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Mcm 53-5160 3/4" paper cone tweeter. Thoughts? I am tossing a monkey coffin around and am thinking this may have potential....


  • It's a pretty cool tweeter. I've got the original sample at my desk, and tossed around the idea of doing an ultra budget build with it.
  • Thanks Geoff. Ever think of rounding over the face a little more? The cone looks countersunk quite a bit into the faceplate. The response looks good, but I am sure it dives pretty quick off axis. I could he wrong. Just looking at pics. 

    I may need to pick up a pair to tinker with. They are very unique. Paper cones are scoffed at, but used well they can be pretty damn good. 
  • I looked into this a bit, but with being a very budget oriented driver, I tried to keep the design fairly simple, and they had this flange already available and ready for production. If we do well with these tweeters, I will probably do a revision 2 with a slightly different faceplate.

    As long as they are used within their limitations, I think they can sound awesome!
  • That is great news. They would be crossed around 3-3.5K to a 4" mid so they should sit pretty. 
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