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Hope all that is sweet temps your will to say enough is enough. So far, not so good on my part! 😝 It all started at work. Dig my candy baskets 🀘🏼😈🀘🏼

What temps ya?
  1. Is it.....12 votes
    1. Sugary goodness (suckers,nerds,Smarties,jolly ranchers)
    2. Chocolaty goodness (Reese's,m&m's,Baby Ruths,whoppers)


  • Happy Halloween! I get to hang out in my office with our dogs while the girlfriend hands out candy to all the neighbourhood whipper snappers. Later I'll have a headache from eating too much leftover candy.

    Here's a fun haloween song for all the kids to enjoy :)

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • We have had one so far. Not a lot of little ones around this neighborhood these days. We used to get upwards of 30!
    I have a signature.
  • Sassy? lol
    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
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