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So, started a thread on music from the heart - how about some music from the test bench?

I'll start with one...

"Simple Love" - Alison Krause
I have a signature.


  • "Miserere" - Allegri
  • "Fanfare for the Common Man" - Copland 100 Reference Recordings RR-93
  • Test music I hate but has redeeming sonic value:
    Anything by Mumford and Sons,
    Groovin Young Rascals,
    Adele, 19
    Frank Sinatra, New York

    Probably a few more I regret buying...
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • One of the most challenging tracks I've listened to lately is something I discovered from the opening of a podcast I listen to: Bo En - Miss You. Its a clean layered techno track with a lot of detail if your system can resolve it. Thats all I got, I'm out. Stay frosty internet peeps.
    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • JasonP said:
    One of the most challenging tracks I've listened to lately is something I discovered from the opening of a podcast I listen to: Bo En - Miss You. Its a clean layered techno track with a lot of detail if your system can resolve it. Thats all I got, I'm out. Stay frosty internet peeps.

    * Nice. I am always looking for good electonic stuff. Thanks. 

  • * Nice. I am always looking for good electonic stuff. Thanks. 
    Love Theme - Power Glove
    Wayfarer - Kavinsky
    Complete Circuitry - Megadrive
    Nightcall (Dustin N'Guyen Remix) - Kavinsky
    Pedal to the Metal - Lazerhawk
    Overdrive - Lazerhawk
    Wanting Moves - PANTyRAiD (1 min mark, fuck yeah)
    Radish Fields - Depth Affect
    McQueen - Mosh
    Blood Theme - Data
    Feel Your Love - PURGE (1 min mark)
    Foley - Ghasper (1m20s mark)
    Tech Noir - Gunship
    1940 (AmpLive Remix) - The Submarines
    Wake Up and Smell The Millennium - Nobody
    Take Three - Jerry Folk (holy fucking deep bass)
    Crypteque - Danny Baranowsky (8bit sound)
    Revolution - Uppermost

    that's just a few from my enormous list haha.
    deadhorse - leviathan - harbinger - shockwave (wip)
  • Love Theme - Power Glove
    Wayfarer - Kavinsky
    Complete Circuitry - Megadrive
    Nightcall (Dustin N'Guyen Remix) - Kavinsky
    Pedal to the Metal - Lazerhawk
    Overdrive - Lazerhawk
    Wanting Moves - PANTyRAiD (1 min mark, fuck yeah)
    Radish Fields - Depth Affect
    McQueen - Mosh
    Blood Theme - Data
    Feel Your Love - PURGE (1 min mark)
    Foley - Ghasper (1m20s mark)
    Tech Noir - Gunship
    1940 (AmpLive Remix) - The Submarines
    Wake Up and Smell The Millennium - Nobody
    Take Three - Jerry Folk (holy fucking deep bass)
    Crypteque - Danny Baranowsky (8bit sound)
    Revolution - Uppermost

    that's just a few from my enormous list haha.
    This thread is making me spend money..

    Thanks Channing!
  • I use a lot of piano, acoustic jazz sets, and demos from previous diys. I will listen to them on my Intrepids or Armonicos first as a comparison. Then exclusively on whatever I am building. At that point, I stop measurements as well. 

    One of the first tracks I use is Phil Collins-In the Air Tonight. Vocal heavy stuff (my cousins jazz band is usually in there), Muse, violin, and a lot of stuff i actually don't like but has great detail and certain nuances that forces me to listen more intensely. 
  • +1 on the piano and violin, stand up bass is also good.  Phil Collins is in my love to hate category similar to above.

    Iowa 2014 demo is still on the top of my list, however Lenny Kravitz still sounds like crap on all my speakers.
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • There are tons of well recorded tracks that allow for testing, but also for pure enjoyment.
    Some of my favorites to do both . . .

    Infected Mushroom - Avratz
    Ray LaMontagne - You Can Bring Me Flowers
    Elton John - Madman Across the Water
    Melody Gardot - Your Heart Is as Black as Night
    John Powell (How to Train Your Dragon 2) - Dragon Racing
    Eric Wittacre (Polyphony) - Sleep
    Norah Jones - In the Morning
    Stevie Ray Vaughn - Tin Pan Alley (Studio Version)
    From "This is K2 Sound!" - Symphonic Dances/No.1 Non Allegro
    City Rhythm Orchestra - Senor Blues
    Bela Fleck - Flight of the Cosmic Hippo
    Robert Rodriguez - Grindhouse Blues

    I'll stop there since I could go on for at least another few dozen
  • They are HILARIOUS.  Gotta say my favorite skit of theirs is the one where he follows MLK's "I have a dream" speech.  What a riot.
  • They are original too. There was a saxophone slit that was great too. I'll try to find it  
  • Must be just me, but that is a choppy choppy choppy playback.
    I have a signature.
  • jr@mac said:
    Must be just me, but that is a choppy choppy choppy playback.
    It is just you . . .
  • edited November 2016
    I made a spotify playlist of the ones I could find
    deadhorse - leviathan - harbinger - shockwave (wip)
  • That is awesome 
  • I actually didn't notice you could make it "collaborative" so y'all should be able to add stuff to it, now
    deadhorse - leviathan - harbinger - shockwave (wip)
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