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Dats v2 issue

I have a Dats V2 on windows 10 and it seems to work fine. The inductance measurements of drivers is wacky though. I measured the ts parameters of the peerless 830869 and get twice the inductance of published, 1.2mh. I measured a TC9FD and get .6mh instead of the published 0.05mh. I then measured my TD6M which has a full copper sleeve and is specd at .15mh - I get over 1mh. Peerless 6.5” aluminum HDS shows .9 and is specd at .39mh. Funny thing is though my RS270P is showing spot on at around .9mh.

The Dats measurements are at 1khz, which I believe is industry standard. Are these other drivers specd at a different frequency or is my Dats jacked up?

Id be curious if someone had a dats v2 and one or more of the drivers listed above to see what you get if anybody would be willing. 



  • Many spec inductance at 10kHz. You should see both 1kHz and 10kHz calculations in DATS under the driver editor screen.

    If the impedance curve is what you expect, why worry about Le? It's an overly simplistic value that's not that important when you have measured impedance over the entire frequency range.
    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • dcibel said:
    Many spec inductance at 10kHz. You should see both 1kHz and 10kHz calculations in DATS under the driver editor screen.

    If the impedance curve is what you expect, why worry about Le? It's an overly simplistic value that's not that important when you have measured impedance over the entire frequency range.
    I have a signature.
  • That’s helpful, I was unaware of the common use of 10k commercially. Honestly I really don’t care what the inductance measurement is, it just made me worry that my Dats was out of whack and worried that perhaps other calcs could be off. 

    I primary use the inductance calc only for building my own drivers to keep tabs on what effect various motor treatments have.
  • Focus on the shape of the impedance curve, and how much it varies as you move the coil through the gap from end to end.
    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • Good info, thanks, seems that will give me more meaningful results than just a number. 
  • Mine was acting weird also until I switched from the front USB jack to the back USB jack.
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