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Cabinet build question

I was thinking of a way to somehow break up the transition between the baffle and the veneer on my next build - Was thinking a small chamfer on the edge of the baffle where it meets the veneer but then the mdf would be exposed - so I thought to  maybe paint the mdf black. Anyone have any other ideas?


  • If there's a chamfer, veneer it. You can always intentionally over size or under size the baffle (think ATC) to make a lip to breakup the transition, or maybe some edge binding like a guitar.
    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • dcibel said:
    If there's a chamfer, veneer it. You can always intentionally over size or under size the baffle (think ATC) to make a lip to breakup the transition, or maybe some edge binding like a guitar

    Good idea - that would look better than paint👍
  • Very nice looking by the way. I love that spalted baffle!
  • Agreed, have always wanted to use spalted in a project.  
  • Maybe glue on 1/8 -3/16 inch Walnut around the box perimeter
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • I have used foam sheets as gasket, lots of color options.
  • A little difficult to see, but years ago I took a class from a cabinetmaker and he suggested putting a very small channel (basically table saw blade width) between the sides and other surfaces.

  • edited April 2020
    tajanes said:

    A little difficult to see, but years ago I took a class from a cabinetmaker and he suggested putting a very small channel (basically table saw blade width) between the sides and other surfaces.

    That’s a good idea, almost as to highlight the seam rather than fight it. Bill S did something like that with his linehoppers. I think he put a very small bevel on each edge to make a small valley.
  • edited April 2020
    Otherwise how about just a little wood filler to blend it. 

    I like the idea though of a channel or valley from bevels and paint the channel black.
  • I've used the table saw to cut a reveal like tajanes picture.  Super easy and it actually looked really nice.
  • On my Nephila I cut a bevel and painted it gold within a black chamfer.
  • Just now tried that and screwed up.  No small router bit so I used the dremel with a router attachment, zip bit, and a very well clamped guide bar.  My small channel looks like a drunken snake got hold of a very tiny excavator and dug his way down the back of the speaker.  Stupid snake.  Snakes should never drink and operate heavy equipment.   
  • I had actually cut the channel on the table saw into the one panel before gluing up, but should work after the fact against the fence 

  • A V-groove bit in a router might also work well.
  • Thanks for all the ideas guys! I am going to make a few test pieces with scrap and see how the turn out and decide from there👍👍
  • So I made a few test pieces - definitely like the black paint look over the veneer.

  • mmmm.... Zebrawood.🥰
    The black really separates the two. Personally I don't like just the chamfer alone.
  • If I’m not using laminate to bridge it, I use a v-groove bit on a router once assembled.
  • hifiside said:
    If I’m not using laminate to bridge it, I use a v-groove bit on a router once assembled.
    That could work as well - would just have to paint the mdf after cutting the groove. Maybe I will grab a bit and see how it turns out on my test piece👍
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