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Purifi Audio PTT6.5W04-01A 6.5 Inch Woofer Review

This just confirms what most of knew already based on HiFiCompass' review. This is a special drive unit. But, now we have some more and different data to give us more insight.

Here's the link to my original review because some of the tables and such won't easily translate here:



  • This thing looks like a bad bitch. Did you get your hands on a pair to play with or just a single to test?

  • edited August 2020

    It is impressive for sure. The most disappointing factor may be the Cms result, however reading through the literature at Purifi, their claim is that distortion caused by BL is much worse than distortion caused by compliance, so I understand the design choices made as a result of that thought process.

    I'd love to get my hands on a pair to design with, add it to the list with the Motus drivers, and the Illuminators, and many others.

    For anyone wanting to splurge on some top drawer drivers, Purifi has released details of the pre-designed bookshelf kit using a Mundorf AMT tweeter. Crossover details here.

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • Just in case you folks are interested, I made a video review here:

    But, I also finally finished the review these come from. Rick Craig's Purezza speaker:

  • @DanP said:
    This thing looks like a bad bitch. Did you get your hands on a pair to play with or just a single to test?

    I somehow missed this.

    As indicated above, the one I tested came from one of Rick Craig's speakers. But he sent me the pair to review. These speakers are legit.

  • @erinh - nice review of the Purezza speaker. Your subjective evaluation captures a lot of information that the objective data can't reveal. Good job!

    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
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