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Woofer location for crossover to full range.

I'm working on a full range bassed design with an 8-inch woofer. I'm curious if mounting the woofer higher like a 2-way tower would be better or go low like a 3-way. My goal is to crossover below 400hz. The baffle will be about 10 inches wide.
Thanks for your input.


  • As a ROT, closer is better between adjacently playing drivers. I know there are people that say the wavelength is too long the lower you get that it won't be an issue. However- When you separate them and it isn't good, it's usually part of the reason. My "&roids" project made a stark example of a 2" wide-range paired to a 10" woofer. I xover'd low enough too, but you could tell there was a hole, and the image suffered.

  • For woofers crossing at 400Hz, the further you separate the drivers, the further your listening position needs to be. For my recent "Northern Pikes" design, I have significant distance between the woofer and midrange, as a result they sound better the further back I sit, 2.5-3m is a minimum requirement. As you move closer, the relative distance between drivers puts the midrange closer to your ear than the woofer, making it sound very midrange forward. The effect is measurable and observable in simulation software that properly accounts for driver distance, like VituixCAD or SoundEasy.

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • Thanks for the help guys. My rooms are not too big so I will plan on keeping them close together.

  • I like a close mounting unless I need the floor gain. Close mounting also gives me more options depending on how the midrange sounds. I think crossing over 500 hz with a woofer close to the floor can sound muddy.

     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
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