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Implementing a room white noise system

Thoughts? I've been meaning to do this in my bedroom for years, never put it high enough on the project list to get to it. Now that I'm thinking about it more, not sure the best way to do it. Thoughts I have:

  1. Not really wanting white noise, so a full-ranger should do, or a woofer with a nice roll-off into the top octaves.
  2. Maybe four speakers, on-wall or in-corner or ceiling?
= Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."


  • Are we talking noise so we can sleep kind of thingy?

  • @Kornbread said:
    Are we talking noise so we can sleep kind of thingy?

    exactly! or deaden the world for long programming sessions, etc.

    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • I get so keyed up at work and the stress has had a drastic affect on my sleeping (ok, maybe more like non-sleeping) patterns.
    I've found those sound machine thingys that play wave/rain/nature/etc. sounds to be ok at first but later in the night I get to noticing how they repeat over and over, which somehow cues my brain to start counting. Then it's all over, my brain is awake and so is the rest of me. Oddly enough, even though I can fall asleep during a prolonged music listening session, I cannot continue to sleep with music playing for mostly the same reason.
    A cheap walmart box fan works better than anything else I've come across. Worn out a couple in the last several years.
    Of course, a little Tizanidine helps.

  • My wife likes a simple 6 inch fan. It's cheaper than anything I could make

     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • edited September 2020

    We have a Oreck Air Purifier that runs on low speed at night, works well for background noise.

    There's lots of off-the-shelf products for generating white noise, or ambient noise, for office spaces or for sleeping. Since we're not needing real hifi here, the commercial products generally are just fine. Even a basic bluetooth radio playing ambient noise on the bedside table is fine.

    Here's one website that can make background noise with some sliders to fine tune to your preference. If you don't want the office noises just crank up the room tone and AC and crank down all the rest.

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
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