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Wolf's PC crossover

Am I remembering correctly it is simply a 500 in line? I can't get to the photobucket and everyone build on line skips it!



  • yes, before the woofer, but @Wolf can confirm

  • Thanks ani!!

  • Why would anyone omit the key part that makes these do what they do best?

    Thanks, Ani!

    Joey, yeah when p'buck went app-based, I could no longer access the pages. I DL'ed all of the pertinent info prior if you need something.

  • Thanks wolf, excited to hear these little guys.

  • I'm going to say this- it's a gateway-drug project. It's great for newbies getting started, and they are not big at all. Without the damping layer inside the rear panel, they can get a little 'hollow' sounding, but these are not at all a greatly refined well mastered xover or contour network. They do bass rather well, highs are polite, mids aren't shouty, and according to BK- they are virtually indestructable. Bryan said they TRIED to kill a pair at an Iowa DIY, and they just kept getting louder and louder. The speakers didn't care. The small box for a tight air-spring and the capacitor make them hard to over drive. At last count, I know of over 100 pair being built, just because they are super easy.

  • For quick and easy 2.1 setups, plate amps with high level in/out terminals generally have 200-500uF on the high level out terminals so you can do exactly this sort of thing.

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • The difference between those and the PC project, is that it is in a high-Qtc box and designed as a Passive Assist alignment, or quasi 3rd-order. It is not mainly a high-pass filter.

    Most of the plate amps I've seen have JunFu 100-150uF caps on the hi-out loop, but the higher power handling still applies.

  • Excited to hear!

  • Wondering if these thiels would sound good.....

  • Did you find those somewhere, or make/print them?

  • I posted about them a while back (maybe on PETT?) but I stumbled on them at Target with the wife and bought five in hopes of using them as a bosebuster of sorts and never got to it. Wooden septagons, seem sturdy, I just exterior painted them since they are gonna hang under a roof of a porch. They seem perfect for this build though questionable on the frame sealing so I took some gasket, slight overlap and compression sealed them perfect. If the frame was literally a 32nd bigger it would be ideal. The ps95 and a different nd series were perfect when I test fit a while back.

    They sound great and will be perfect for what my father in law wants. The best part is with this design and those cabinets, you are literally running in under an hour.

  • Yeah- simple and easy, and sound okay. Glad they suit your requirements...

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