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What's a good box product for reducing box volume?

Craft foam blocks? I've used books and sandbags in the past but they aren't great for permanent use-age. I want something that can be attached and left in place.



  • edited March 2021

    Wood? :p

    Just install a wood panel to make a separate enclosed space. Use the secret compartment for a crossover or your weed or whatever. Good place to hide that extra pair of tweeters you didn't tell the wife you bought...

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • Great Stuff foam might work. May want to let it cure for a few days, not sure. Never tried.

    I have a signature.
  • Ceramic tiles glued to the sides adds mass and rigidity.

  • I glued old pieces of travertine tile to the inside of my Udique XL box. I was surprised that it made a noticeable difference. Loved the weight and heft of the speaker.

     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • I have access to 2" blue styroam insulation sheets. Should work?

  • @dcibel said:
    Wood? :p

    Just install a wood panel to make a separate enclosed space. Use the secret compartment for a crossover or your weed or whatever. Good place to hide that extra pair of tweeters you didn't tell the wife you bought...

    It's not the tweeters I have trouble hiding, it's all those Rival woofers that Gowa keeps selling me. My wife calls him an enabler.

    I have used 4x4 cedar before since it doesn't add much weight.

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