ARTA 1.9.4 is released today.
Changes from version 1.9.3 are:
- ARTA Step response is now obtained by cumulative integrating IR after the cursor position (if cursor position < IR maximum positiom)
- FR overlays can be exported in textual files
- Sine burst duration can be generated in multiple of half sine periods.
- Corrected bug in File->Export in CSV in FR1 window
- Microphone calibration can be enabled even if input signal level is bellow -60dB.
- STI module is implemented according to new standard IEC 60268-16:2020 Ed.5
- STI module can import predefined noise SPL from textual files
- Multione signals can be user defined with tone density from 3 to 12 tones per octave.
- User defined filter can be applied to multitone signal (IEC 660268-16 and CTA-1034A)
- Spectrum overlay level shift when using FR compensation resolved.
- Generation of square and triangle signals in wav file improved
- ARTA can have arbitrary number of fixed overlays in FR1, FR2, Spa real-time modes
- Fixed overlay can be generated in Octave smooting and Octave bands modes.
- STEPS allows FR compensation to be applied to loaded FR data
- STEPS scalling dialog improved
- STEPS Linearity module accept all sampling frequencies, not only 48kHz
- STEPS saves which distortion to plot and current plots margins in Registry
- LIMP saves graph margins in Registry
- LIMP gets Overlay menu item for making target impedance curve calculated from measured loudspeaker parameters
Download here