So I bought a pair of these when they were $25 at Madisound last week. They are very attractive, with a nice frame - except the face of the frame is the typical "add details for no reason" HiVi family look. HiVi users will know what I am talking about.

Sample 1 Out of box (blue):
Fs = 51.81 Hz
Re = 5.12 ohms[dc]
Le = 243.34 uH
L2 = 511.71 uH
R2 = 15.23 ohms
Qt = 0.51
Qes = 0.54
Qms = 7.33
Mms = 16.34 grams
Rms = 0.725848 kg/s
Cms = 0.000577 m/N
Vas = 16.62 liters
Sd= 143.14 cm^2
Bl = 7.073139 Tm
ETA = 0.41 %
Lp(2.83V/1m) = 90.15 dB
Added Mass Method:
Added mass = 15.00 grams
Diameter= 13.50 cm
Sample 1 Manually exercised (red):
Fs = 50.33 Hz
Re = 5.12 ohms[dc]
Le = 288.46 uH
L2 = 355.08 uH
R2 = 10.01 ohms
Qt = 0.49
Qes = 0.52
Qms = 7.24
Mms = 16.05 grams
Rms = 0.700916 kg/s
Cms = 0.000623 m/N
Vas = 17.92 liters
Sd= 143.14 cm^2
Bl = 7.061098 Tm
ETA = 0.42 %
Lp(2.83V/1m) = 90.29 dB
Added Mass Method:
Added mass = 15.00 grams
Diameter= 13.50 cm

Sample 2 out of box (blue):
Fs = 54.10 Hz
Re = 5.11 ohms[dc]
Le = 291.21 uH
L2 = 378.84 uH
R2 = 10.40 ohms
Qt = 0.52
Qes = 0.55
Qms = 8.11
Mms = 16.83 grams
Rms = 0.705241 kg/s
Cms = 0.000514 m/N
Vas = 14.80 liters
Sd= 143.14 cm^2
Bl = 7.286395 Tm
ETA = 0.41 %
Lp(2.83V/1m) = 90.17 dB
Added Mass Method:
Added mass = 15.00 grams
Diameter= 13.50 cm
Sample 2 Manually exercised (red):
Fs = 50.84 Hz
Re = 5.11 ohms[dc]
Le = 289.61 uH
L2 = 368.79 uH
R2 = 10.21 ohms
Qt = 0.47
Qes = 0.50
Qms = 7.41
Mms = 15.38 grams
Rms = 0.663454 kg/s
Cms = 0.000637 m/N
Vas = 18.33 liters
Sd= 143.14 cm^2
Bl = 7.063967 Tm
ETA = 0.46 %
Lp(2.83V/1m) = 90.68 dB
Added Mass Method:
Added mass = 15.00 grams
Diameter= 13.50 cm

Both drivers post manually exercising.
There appears to be some type of shorting ring involved, as inductance does not really start climbing until well into the midrange/lower treble, and even then it is moderate.
The impedance peak on the bottom end and the calculated sensitivity seems to indicate a very strong motor.
A slight wrinkle at 5500 indicates the advertised breakup is real, and the wrinkle at 600 or so is probably surround related - a feature I am seeing on most better drivers these days.
A lot of mechanical throw - I was unable to physically bottom the voice coil out, which tells me this driver will probably handle over-excursion relatively gracefully. Of course, that depends a lot on how soon the "uglies" kick in as the coil exits the gap.
I heard this in a design from Tom at Iowa 2015 and was very impressed. I bought these to put on the shelf as a potential candidate for a commercial studio monitor based on appearance and the very clean sounding midrange presented in Tom's design.
Using the exercised values, it appears they will be close enough to each other to require very little eq to maintain balance:

Based on what I have heard and what I can extrapolate from initial T/S measurements - this driver warrants a very high rating on the value scale. I wish it modeled lower - but that 90db sensitivity is also very nice to have.
I have a signature.