Sooo... in another thread, I posted my T/S which mirrored Chucks, and the manufacturers pretty closely. They will make great woofers with their decent sensitivity, gobs of Xmax, and T/S parameters that indicate good extension in moderate enclosures.
They have a problem with the FR - a large dip on-axis. I have not taken off-axis yet, but these types of issues are rarely resolved off-axis. Never fear, with a little creative crossover work, a 2-way at 2K is absolutely possible (look in the very near future for just such a thing from me).

So - very clean on the bottom end. As a general rule, most drivers I have measured exhibit a sharp rise in odd-order distortion below 200Hz. These do not show that. Fairly decent in the midrange, and depending on what you believe about distortion it might not be at all audible. The dip you see is where the issue lays. I don't believe it to be significant, but it does preclude use in a relaxed slope 2-way crossed above 2K. There are few woofers that can pull that off anyways. I was hoping this would be one of them, but alas - it is another viable option for the "4th order @ 2K or lower" designs.
Gated, in-box response:

As I plan on crossing around 500-600 in this design, I am not going to worry one bit about the irregularities on the top end of the woofer. I am more concerned with the 1.8k peak on the mid - but I am not against notching that bad boy out of there.
I have a signature.