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Rebuilding the Dayton MK602X sort of..........

edited February 2022 in DIY

After seeing Craig's build using the new GF180 I thought I would grab a pair and try a set out for myself. I also purchased a set of the new TD25F tweeters to make up a nice inexpensive build. Total came to just under $110cdn plus taxes - not too bad. I did end up with the 8 ohm woofers though as Solen didn't have the 4 ohm in stock. Now at this point I didn't realize that I had basically bought the drivers that Dayton uses in the MK602X speaker. I then watched Erin's review of the driver on his channel complete with all his Klippel data so I guess I have a reference to go off to see if it can be improved. First thing I do with these stamped frame drivers is add some sound deadener to the baskets - surprisingly it does make a difference when you knock on the speaker frame. I am going to go with a bit bigger box for this build to help extend the low end a bit - box is going to be .7cf and WinISD says an F3 of 45hz or so. I just need to get some more mdf this week and I will make a test box before committing to using my BB ply. More to come...

Small video of the difference with the deadener.


  • I would also recommend tapping on the frame once it's bolted down to a sheet of wood, quite a difference on its own vs free-air as far as frame ringing goes.

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
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