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The Batman: low-frequency embedded effects

edited May 2022 in DIY

Do you want to test out your new speakers (sans subwoofer) low-frequency reach > just watch the new Batman Movie. Thank you Dolby!

There are several scenes that really pump low, where the sound waves somehow transends the sound you hear. What I mean by that is you are watching a scene that builds in intensity, but it goes well beyond that- you get the impact -that somehow hits you in the gut, beyond its impact that you hear (if that makes any sense?). The almost sub-sonic frequencies are pumped and you get this ‘what was that’? The movie is dark, following the trend in the series (a far move from the Pow-Crash-Boom days), available on HBO max.

I was listening to my new build: beyma coax / DA RSS210HO paired with the RSS265-PR (Dolby 2+2 set-up; no center, no sub, ceiling surrounds Polk RC80i). And as the first impact scene hit I felt the coffee table vibrate and my wife asked if this would damage the stone fireplace- ha, success! High praise for an 8in woofer + 10in PR.

Long, but interesting: The Sound and Music of The Batman

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