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VituixCAD via Parallels, trying to teach this old dog new tricks...

edited June 2022 in DIY

John H,
Now that I have a new iMac and VituixCAD via Parallels seems to be working flawlessly, I’d like to know if you still have the files you created for the Beyma 5CX200Fe from my ‘circuit design issue / question' discussion?

I’d like to start playing with VituixCAD and thought a great place to start would be with the Beyma coax to go through the process, see what I ended up with, and begin learning how to manage this program and component changes and affects.

Thanks, and any and all suggestions welcome.



  • Yikes, that's over a year old. I'll look later tonight.

    You'd really be better off measuring. The real power of VituixCAD is being able to use multiple off axis measurements.

     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • I can send you some measurement data if you just want some real data to start with. I can send you raw impulse response files from one of my speakers so you can go through the process from scratch apart from taking the physical measurement.

    Give me a week or two and I should have a complete data set for my latest creation as well that I may be willing to share.

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • A good way to start is with Reid's (dcibel) "Virtuix simulation without measurement" pdf. I found it an easy way to get familiar with the different Vituix tools before using actual measurements. There are also two projects that come with Vituix (a two way and a three way) that you can open and inspect.

  • John,
    It's a long shot for sure. The drivers are packed up neatly in my new build, so I'll try sending Beyma and/or the guys at US Speaker an email for the freq and imp files and see if they will release them.

    dcibel- That would be great, then we can possibly later review how my came out vs yours.

    Can direct messages / files be sent via this discussion group - or do you need my email?

    Ed, thanks.

  • The files will be too large to post here I think, send me a PM with your email and I'll set up a Google Drive share for you.

    In the meantime, here's the document Ed referenced, if you wish to go down that route please read through the first page to understand the limitations.

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • Here are the files I found. I did not check them

     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • While waiting to see if I can get the files from US Speaker / Beyma (John I'm having issues with loading your files, I'll keep working) I used files for the Dayton CX120 to start playing.

  • first attempt Xover ~3100, I'll next try to move it out towards 4400+

  • edited June 2022

    Best practice of parallel vs series notch filters / when and specific issues per these two Xover designs?

  • edited October 2022

    dcibel and jhollander

    Thx for the push and info on using VituixCAD (no 'r') via Parallels Desktop. Running actual driver mounted measurements and uploading into VituixCAD for checking filters and components - excellent.
    (working on 2nd order LP with 1st order HP, and parallel notch)

  • You sure got those lines wigglin! :)

    (The Word doc attachments are super weird btw, you can just paste the screenshot directly to the message in the forum.)

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • dcibel (cut and paste- got it)

    Post sim (even) using the actual driver mounted measurements uploaded into VituixCAD, the measured results at best ‘rhymes’. I built the filters and found a few anomalies, including an unexpected significant rise well below the HP roll off? I’m going to pull out the notches (I had bypassed, but probably best to pull out and go step-by-step) and work through getting the Xover slopes, and the unexpected rise, under some control.

    A couple of Qs: In an example you provided me in the past (the Beyma Coax) you placed a parallel notch before the filter on the mid, and I’ve seen examples with placements before and after the filter. Thoughts? And what affects of implementing two notch filters- what do I need to look for? The ANirvana driver has two areas that could use attenuation; definitely ~1900 and potentially another ~11000Hz.

    (BTW, my wife is not a fan of the whoosh sweep measurements. Go figure)

  • Sorry, don’t recall the specific example with the Beyma, can you refresh my mind? Link the discussion or schematic I provided. Are we talking about passive filters or active blocks?

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • edited October 2022

  • edited October 2022

    I didn't design that. The large resistor value provides a lot of damping, so it's not very notchy, and the 2.2uF cap doesn't do a lot of anything. Personally I'd ditch both the 8.2 ohm and 2.2uF cap and optimize the circuit without them.

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • thx for your input

  • Both drivers modeled well, with a first order HP on the Audio Nirvana (+attenuation and parallel notches), and 2nd order LP on the Epique 150, crossing around 525Hz.

    However when measured with actual passive components, while the Epique measured in line with the model, the Audio Nirvana did not. While it looks like the rolloff (going south) starts about where it modeled, it flat lines from ~200 to 400Hz, and when I tried w/o the attenuation resistors just trying to get the capacitor sized correctly this driver actually then peaks at ~200 (pic attached is w/o atten resistors). Frustrating. Looks like the hoped for 1st order on this driver isn't going to work because of this anomaly. TURD. Back to the drawing board with a 2nd order- unless you guys have suggestions on taming the 200 pop.

  • …or just run the AN full and use the Epique as a sub; ~1.5 way (and damp the ‘heck’ out of the AN)

  • edited October 2022

    1st pic running AN full range (with atten and notches) and the Epique in an ~1.5way

    or with a 60uf in front of the AN gets cross ~236 from 155

  • Looks like its either active biamp, or build expensive Xover boards. The AN just doesn’t like large capacitors (resulting pop in frequency ~200 as mentioned) and running a 3rd order LP on the small woofer/sub to cross with the AN ~150Hz is a bunch of caps and copper wire….

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