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PTmini x 12

edited December 2016 in Hard Data
I am revisiting an OB line array I cobbled together a number of years ago. I used a single tweeter and decided to switch to a tweeter array. So, I ordered a dozen PTmini-8 planars and ran them through DATS. Here are the results.

............. could you hum a few bars.


  • Are you using the rub and buss test to compare the multiple tweeters? And why are the blue and purple lines so higher than the rest?

  • Did not use the R&B test, didn't know if a planar qualified. 2 are out of range, poor QC....... maybe.
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • Then how did you get them all on one graph?
  • Saved each using 12(of 20) in memory, then recalled all in the same DATS screen.
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
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