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Thiele/Small Parameters dcibel: 'just measure'....

edited September 2022 in DIY

Yes, but...

I have recently updated my iMac (M1 chip, SSD) and run Paralells Desktop for work, and all sorts of Windows 11 software including VituixCad, all good. iMac runs both Operating Systems simultaneously, and can split screen between OS's. So I ordered the DATS V3 system and downloaded the software.

The software loads properly, but it does not recognize the connection / keyboard inputs, even though I have set input and output to its (USB via lightning bolt) USB Audio Codec connection, as per the directions. DaytonAudio provides no support (zero, nada, zilch) and Parallels states its because DA's software has not been upgraded to ARM architecture. I'm expecting DA to upgrade somewhere between 'when pigs fly' and 'when hell freezes over'.

So REW runs nicely on Macs, so question: does anyone know if the DATS V3 box (hardware) can be used with REW?

At this point I'll just continue with product stated Parameters checked with my LCR meters, and run frequency charts per REW, and adjust components, remeasure... it works, but I'd like to get a freq sweep with inductance charted as confirmation to porting, and...

Suggestions- thx


  • edited September 2022

    If you must use a mac, and want to “just measure”with VituixCAD and REW, my recommendation is to send the DATS back and get a USB audio interface. Build a jig from a few resistors and scrap wire and use REW to gather impedance data, T/S, component values, then get an XLR mic for acoustic measurements.

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • Why not build the ARTA box? It works with REW.

  • John Murphy did the DATS software. You could try contacting him on the DIYAudio forum. He's user JohnPM.

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