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SB21 vs SB26

With the SB21RDCN-C000-4 on sale at Madisound right now it is almost the same price as the sb26STCN-C000-4. While the sb21 is a smaller dome and slightly less efficient these 2 are quite similar in appearance. If anyone has used both can you shed any light on the differences? Which is your favorite? How low can they be crossed?
(I have not found much info on these tweeters.) (If it helps I plan on making a 5" MTM)


  • The R has maybe only been out a year or so, so it has been a fairly unknown item to my knowledge. I've also been interested.

  • Wolf, I know you said the STCN can be crossed as low as 2k. Can you hazard a guess as to how low you could cross the r?

  • Not sure that was me, I have not used it. I have seen many others express that sentiment that have used it though.
    Without seeing an HD plot, I'd not really want to wager a guess on the R.

  • Haven't used the new one yet, but I have used the SB26STCN a couple times and it will cleanly play down to 2kHz LR4. Used them in my Jonquils project and these unnamed 2 ways:

  • I've crossed the 26stcn as low as 1.8k without any issues, distortion or otherwise.

  • Is there any benefit to the SB21R over the well regarded sb26?

  • Uhm, it's smaller and a ring radiator?

  • The ring radiator is cleaner in the upper treble.. but that's subjective imo...

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