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New Pair of Cans Focal Elex

Impressed. Very impressed. How can something be so revealing yet so easy to listen to? About 2:12 in Phill Collin's In The Air Tonight, you can hear a backup singer join in way back in the background, and also another backup singer joins in. Some of my speaker setups can pull that first background singer out, some cannot, but none, including boy's hd6xx or my Grado cans, have been able to pull that third voice out of the background. Never knew it was there. Notes that were simply never there, are now there. Yeah, I know, it sounds like add copy, but so many delicate notes that were invisible are now there floating in the air. So far, this has been listening with the Aune dac/pre, Shitt headphone amp, and heavily modified Bravo headamp w/Spotify. Easy to tell the differences between the headamps. Looking forward to getting the time for some lossless listening sessions.

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