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WTB: lavoce tn131.00 tweeter

Ugh...I bought one of these to test and now I want to use it and they are out of stock until June. I never buy just one, I must have needed $16 bucks for free shipping. I haven't seen anyone use this, but any chance anyone has one to sell?


  • @hifiside said:
    I might have those.

    If you do have them PM me, I'll happily pay full retail + shipping.

  • Sorry, mine are the wrong ones.

  • @hifiside said:
    Sorry, mine are the wrong ones. !

    No problem, thanks for checking.

  • Hey, did you find one, or have you moved on? :D

  • Yes, he got another from Europe. These were the speakers where David cut the cones and glued them to control cone break up. The tweeter was in a diy waveguide made with a fingernail router bit. They looked great and the cone breakup was definitely reduced.

  • edited May 2023


    That's right. The Freddy Krueger mod kinda stole the show on that one.

    I need to take notes at these things. I know some guys do, and I've always thought "hey, whatever works for ya." Perhaps that would be good for me.

  • 3rd time was the charm. He fixed them they sounded just fine too!

    I still think a dremel and cutting wheel could improve the RS225....

  • @Dirk said:
    Hey, did you find one, or have you moved on? :D

    Hi Dirk, I know Ken already answered, but do you have an extra 1 or 2? Its not urgent anymore, but I might be interested.

  • I have a pair mounted to Visaton WG148s, waiting to be measured. If I get off my arse and learn what I want to learn from them, I could hook you up. I'll DM you in a week or so.

  • Sounds good.

    By the way, the DIY waveguide I made in the speakers with the slit cone SB16PFC's was an attempt to "clone" the Visaton waveguide. I did tests with the Visaton, the Yonico thumbnail/table edge bit and truncating a 1-1/4" roundover. The tests were before actually building the boxes and designing the speaker, i.e., they were raw tweeter on a baffle without being attached to a box to determine which WG to go with. In the next week or so I'm going to attach the baffle with the Visaton WG on it and measure with the sliced cone woofers and the exact same xo and see how close the DIY routed WG and the Visaton actually are with a xo in place.

  • Neat! I'd love to compare measurements. I'd also like to know if you had to relief your WGs slightly to get them to fit.

    I know Vincent tried combining the TN131+WG with a 5" SB and wasn't thrilled with the results. I've got it hooked up to one of the Dayton 4x100 DSP boards, so I wanted to try and "rapid prototype" a working crossover out of it. Except here "rapid" meant "lose interest in it last November while I work on something else". So I'll get down to it.

  • @Dirk said:
    ... I'd also like to know if you had to relief your WGs slightly to get them to fit.

    I think I would have had to. So for my test, since I wasn't going to actually use the Visaton WG, I just let the surround compress a little bit. With the DIY waveguide routed into the MDF baffle I had the luxury of being able to relieve 1/16" pretty easily. I now have some 1/16 neoprene foam for a gasket that I didn't have when doing the original test, and I wonder if that (or some 1/8" gasket) gives it enough relief. I'll definitely discuss my findings when I'm done. I have thought you can relieve the Visaton just a bit with a file that won't show since the surround is so large, but one of the reasons I was trying to clone them was because my actual pair is dedicated to a build with the Peerless XT25s, so I'm not going to mess them up.

  • The XT25 was one of the others I wanted to test on the WGs. I've got the big double-magnet already on hand. Did you make your own screw-holes? Thin adapter plate?

  • I used the big xt25 in that waveguide. Pretty nice.

    I have a signature.
  • There is a file out on the interwebs for 3d printing adapters for the peerless tweeters. Basically you take the factory faceplate off and attach the adapter with the 3 inner screw holes. That gives you a 4-hole pattern that matches up to the WG148.

  • @Dirk said:
    The XT25 was one of the others I wanted to test on the WGs. I've got the big double-magnet already on hand. Did you make your own screw-holes? Thin adapter plate?

    For the Lavoce I think I just used some double-sided foam tape since I only took 5 quick measurements. Below is a pic of what Keith Etheredge did with a DIY adapter plate. I will do something like this with the double-magnet XT25 that I intend to use with the Visaton WGs. All of the Peerless 25mm tweeters have the same weird profile once the faceplate is removed. Here is a link that shows the tweeter without faceplate and the 3D printed adapter that Drew linked to above. I have also seen people just fill the gap with blue-tac but I couldn't live with that.

  • edited May 2023

    I mounted the Lavoces with a back strap I whipped up on the 3D printer.

    Sooooo, would you be mad if I didn't send you tweeters? I hooked them up to one of the Dayton 4-way DSP boards & the carbon fiber SB15 aaaand...I think I need to spend more time with them.

  • @Dirk said:
    Sooooo, would you be mad if I didn't send you tweeters? I hooked them up to one of the Dayton 4-way DSP boards & the carbon fiber SB15 aaaand...I think I need to spend more time with them.

    No, I wouldn't be mad at all. I didn't have any specific plans for them. I don't have very well trained ears, but I think they sound good and very good for price.

  • I used this tweeter about 2yrs ago or so mounted them on WG148 mated with Silver Flute 5"( "")

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