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Dolby Atmos- PC based?

Has anyone got a Dolby Atmos based home theatre that doesn’t run from a AV Receiver?

Is it even possible?

I’m running Windows mini-PC and Apple TV, but may consider an alternate solution if it doesn’t require too much fiddling around with updates. Essentially I want a decoding box that I can connect to my existing amplifiers and speakers. The more appliance-like the better. Sometimes I want to DIY but sometimes you just want to plug and play…



  • edited April 2023

    So an AV preamp/processor, but don't wanna spend $2.5k+?

    Probably depends how many channels.. I see 7.1 capable sound cards.. and figured it might be possible to do 5.1.2 or something. But then again I found someone posted this on AVS Forum in 2020..

    "Atmos needs licensed object processing, not just a simple 11.2 channel output. There is no PC software that can do such processing other than 2-ch headphone mode."

    Don't know the accuracy of that or if things have changed by now.

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