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So I bought some new drivers - late night/early morning kind of thing.

After I take some T/S, I am hoping Brad will throw them on his big board, see what's up.

At some point I might do yet another 8" stand mount 3-way. I am realizing I might have a problem.

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  • They have good specs for smaller than 1 cu ft enclosures . . .

  • I have been tempted by those several times. I had visions of an all HiVi three way with that, the M4N-B and TN25.

  • Same vision here, except one of the HiVi planars.

    I have a signature.
  • @jr@mac said:
    Same vision here, except one of the HiVi planars.

    I would say that great minds think alike, but I am not sure I belong in that conversation....

    Seems like there is a lot of love out there for that RT1.3.

  • I'll be measuring TS parameters on a pair this weekend and post here so we can see consistency. But I won't be taking SPL measurements until 2nd half of 2024.

  • The RT1.3WE sound great! They do need to cross no lower than 3KHz and their faceplates are a little larger than most 1" domes' but otherwise very nice for the money.

  • Ok, bought the matching 4". Nick has a pair of those planars he is willing to let me use, so I guess I might have my next 8" 3-way lined up.
    This would be a killer kit for HiVi to put out.

    I have a signature.
  • Word of warning, the M4N is not very sensitive, and Qts of about 1.2, so it may take some fenagling.

    I don't know if Ed Froste ever built his HiVi Statement style project called "Gold Facts", but was planning a WMTMW with an RT2C, pair of M8a, and M5a. He said the M4 were not enough output to keep up, and looked silly next to the massive RT2 planars.

    Good luck and have fun...

  • I plan on having Brad test them on the big baffle, make a determination after that.

    It might work with baffle step loss and no need for series resistance on the mid. Won't know til the data comes in.

    I have a signature.
  • Five minutes at 45hz, at Xmax:

    I have a signature.

  • Other one. Disappointed but they are very sexy looking.

    I have a signature.
  • Doing a more extensive breaking on one, see what's up.

    I have a signature.
  • edited February 2024

    Getting a bit of a run-around from PE on these currently. Afraid I might be stuck with them based on their "20% is close enough" state of mind (even though Fs exceeds that tolerance).

    I have a signature.
  • I have never had to use PE's "60 Day No Hassle Return Policy" but it is a reason I feel comfortable buying some things I'm not 100% sure about.
    Are you past 60 days, or would you have to pay shipping if you return them, or are they just trying to not honor that policy?

  • Still in the time window, but you do pay shipping on returns of the product is otherwise functional. When I had a DOA amp they emailed me a return shipping label.

    I have a signature.
  • It took 2 whole weeks of Fs at near Xmax for these PA310-8's to reach stated/specified Fs and another week for them to get below that.
    Keep working them.

  • I disagree with that Steve based on my personal experience. Woofers and midbasses break in within a few hours when run at or near xmax @ 60 Hz. 3 weeks? Hmmm?

    JR - based on your DATS measurements PE customer service should have no choice but to replace them or credit you the full amount with zero dollars out of your pocket. The spec is 29 Hz. Your better driver measured 41 Hz. That's around 40% difference. If they call that "functional" I call BS to them. I've never had them push back against such obvious flawed products.

  • Maybe a PA driver thing paper/fabric surrounds etc.

    After many months of use the bass on my Faux Pas build seem to have gotten noticably more "full". Maybe my initial dissapointment was due to the PA style 12"s still not being broken in.

  • PA310-8 Specs:

    My DATS DATA - look at dates:

    DATS after 2 weeks (12/17/23 data):

    DATS after 3 weeks (12/24/23 data)

    In my experience drivers need a lot of exercise . . . especially high sensitivity pro audio drivers as Drew pointed out.



  • edited February 2024


    In my head I just bought a pair of these HiVi M8N-B, but looking back I bought them at SDC 2023 for the 20% "tent sale" discount. They were back ordered and I recevied them 9/21/2023. I took them out of the box last week, burned them in last Friday with a 40Hz tone for 12 hours followed by Bass I Love You for 12 hours. Just got around to measuring them.

    By the way, Michael Chua (AmpsLab_Spk) measured one on Jan 16, 2024. His measurements below are before break in (don't know why).

    Below is MFG specs from PE's page, my parameters (DATSv3) in blue, JR's in green, Michael Chua's red (single speaker)

  • So now tech support is telling me to burn them in for 20-30 hours lol. Whatever, I'll just keep them. I've never had to break in a driver for much longer than 10-15 minutes at Xmax.

    I can find something to do with them, I guess. I refuse to return them and pay that $25 shipping.

    I have a signature.
  • Looks like HiVi spec'd wrong. Three different people, three different set of drivers, all low 40's.

    PE should definitely get with their distributor and relay the info.

  • Maybe?

    I have a signature.
  • Mine are back on the 40hz test tone until Sunday night. That will be about 80 more hours, so we can test PEs BS. My Qts is quite high compared to the others, if it stays that way (which I expect it will) I may go sealed. Based on my TS parameters I can get sealed F3 50Hz in 1.00 - 1.25 cf.

  • @a4eaudio said:
    Mine are back on the 40hz test tone until Sunday night. That will be about 80 more hours,

    I didn't get to this last Sunday so I let them keep running an extra day - these basically played a 40Hz test tone for 100 hours. Fs did not change much at all, but Re and Qts went down. While not consistent with the manufacturer's data sheet (gray column), these are pretty darn close to JRs.

  • Re changed? Might want to check your measurement rig.

  • @PWRRYD said:
    Re changed? Might want to check your measurement rig.

    After burning them in, I did recalibrate my DATS to make sure I was getting correct results. I had NOT done that the first time, so it could very well be that the first measurements were simply wrong.

  • So much for PE recommended break-in. I will use mine eventually, but not in any hurry. On the plus side, the 4" measured better than advertised with a Q of 1.0.

    I have a signature.
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