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This ^ thing is so flat, clean and wide with no annoying peaks or dips.
I just got around to clamping it upon the top of my little towers (naked - no baffle) in place of the also awesome HiVi RT1.3 Isodynamic tweets.
It is a drop in replacement that is so smooth and has no peaks anywhere while listening to the same test tracks.
The HiVi unit has a pronounced but delightful response but this Fountek unit just sounds more natural.
Highly recommended.
I've got a pair languishing here.
JR - These [Neo3.5H] things deserve a mid to XO/accompany them like the SB12MNRX2-25-4 because they are also so flat and clean with no annoying peaks/dips (I have a pair) - SPL-wise, they should blend well.
I'd love to see what you can come up with as a MT combo using passives, Sir.
Do you also have those mids in your cache?
I do not have those mids, but I have the similar buyouts from PE from a few years ago. I do plan on using them someday as I am really a ribbon guy these days.
JR, IS it worth your time and effort in creating a passive XO/cabinet design and documenting it for us [currently] DSP-only guys in exchange for a pair of SB12MNRX2-25-4's shipped to your door to keep?
Maybe Wolf has the time and parts to do this for us, if not you?
Just asking/testing the waters - this is a good combo, IMO . . . Open to feedback.
I used the 3.5h crossed to a HIVI C3N-III, and I have to say that speaker is my favorite I have heard in the mid/highs. It made for a really flat mid to top end. I have also wanted to use the SB12MNRX2-25 and think it would make a great combo.

I'll give it some thought - I have a few irons in the fire right so would likely enlist Brad's services to do the cabinets.
Can you (1) measure the depth of the waveguide and (2) maybe post several pics at different angles of the tweeter?
I may design a 3D printed waveguide for the GRS knock-offs.
Other than JR's favorite one with the round faceplate, the rest have come down another $10 since March 20th.
If I hadn't just bought a new carb for the truck, I would grab a pair of the little fellers to do a budget banger with.
I sold my pair to Don without even trying them
They join a couple of other pairs of ribbons on my shelf.
I gotta retire soon, and get serious about building speakers!
David, Yes I'll get you the dimensions and pics and update this post with that data - Here are some screen shots from Madi's site:
The Neo3.5H and the HiVi DMB dome are 10.25" apart CTC and sound seamless - sound stage has more depth - I was quite pleased by this serendipity.
This is great tweeter.
And someone already measured it; so you don’t have to.
Also works great on a baffle
Note that is has real response up to 40Khz, but without the peaky resonance of hard domes.
A gem IHMO.
Have you considered a LR2 4Khz high pass crossover for it? In conjunction with a bit of EQ to flatten response of the DMB-A, add a LR2 4KHz low pass for it, then reverse the polarity…
I shall give that ^ a try, Thanh - thanks for the suggestion.
Just configured the new Control-4 amp and applied your settings as follows on the mini towers (above pic) and it sounds holographic/like actually being on the drum kit in a live session with musicians all around me!
Note that each stereo driver pair are inverted:
I love tinkering and learning new stuff - if I ever had it all figured out I would lose interest quickly . . .
Try it and you will understand, Ken - I don't actually know why it sounds so good right now and I am packing to get out of here - I'll get back to this when I can . . .
To be clear, for each speaker. your tweeter should be inverted with the mid, in a LR2 crossover.
But you’re putting your left speaker out of phase with your right speaker??
I think some physical wiring might be out of phase. Or you’re sitting in a spot where has a null. OR, you just enjoy it a bit more having L/R channels out of phase. It’s a spatial/open sensation that’s hard to describe, and can be surprising at first, but may grow odd over time. Anyway, you can look into it when you get back.
Will do, and thanks.