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I think I stumbled across an interesting coaxial

The Omnes CX3.1 appears to be an interesting coaxial mid-tweet:

Standard roll surround, but I don't see much objectionable other than the -2dB dip at 3.5. A little light on info, though. Is a simple motor so bad as a mid when you're not really feeding it lots of Xmax?

Anyway, might be fun with an 8" or a 6" pair.



  • Like to see if it would hit 100 dB sealed. Looks close at 12 watts and 2 mm xmax (guess).

     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • I wish we had a stated Xmax. I haven't found one. But at what frequency, John? Suitably high-passed perhaps 300-400hz, and there should be plenty of Xmax to go around. It's got the Sd of a 4".

  • The CX 3.1 is/was popular in Europe. Here's a link to a project that I looked at:

    The stated Sd is high because it includes the tweeter area. The mid is really more like a 3" Sd wise. I bought a pair in 2018 - importing them from Europe effectively doubled the cost. I got as far as building a prototype cabinet with the Dayton DSA-215 woofer, taking measurements and designing a couple of crossovers in PCD. Then I lost interest. I'd be willing to sell my pair if you're interested, Dirk.

  • I'd like to get 500 Hz, but forgot to look at the graph in that much detail. I do have a small KEF coax from JR that I need to test.

     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • edited June 2024

    The stated Sd is high because it includes the tweeter area. The mid is really more like a 3" Sd wise. I bought a pair in 2018 - importing them from Europe effectively doubled the cost. I got as far as building a prototype cabinet with the Dayton DSA-215 woofer, taking measurements and designing a couple of crossovers in PCD. Then I lost interest. I'd be willing to sell my pair if you're interested, Dirk.

    Thanks for the offer, but I think perhaps my search continues.

    My center channel currently uses a pair of TC9FD18s as mids, and occasionally, I can hear them strain. Usually on things like concert DVDs, and I've been thinking on what to do about it that does NOT result in another 10" tall center. But if the Sd really is that low on the CX, it wouldn't be an upgrade. A bit of a shame.

  • The Sica coaxials (5.5 and 6.5 inch) are getting a fair amount of attention over at diyaudio ( They would be able to cross over lower than the CX 3.1.

  • I made a center using a LaVoce 8" coaxial, though mfg recommended a 2200hz but when tried that, felt like 8 inch wasnt giving nuff voice, so came up with alignment at about 1850. Minimal to little baffle step since get lot of boundary re-inforcement sitting on shelf in media cabinet. Once did that have been happy with the performance for center channel. I use to like using an active studio monitor for a center since lot of them have though adjusters for diff placement conditions since any standard speaker sounds muffled or too much upper bass blur when i put in the media cabinet.

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