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Looking for some DA25BG08-06 to repair some Zingers

edited August 13 in Gear Swap

A couple summers ago I helped a friend's son build some Zingers for college. Unfortunately, it sounds like some drivers may have given up the ghost due to an accidental full volume crank before powering on the amplifier by one of his buddies. We have yet to inspect the speakers he just brought home, but I'm starting the hunt for drivers. I happen to already have a spare set of SD215A-88, but not the NLA DA25BG08-06.


  • You might be in luck! I have a pair I'm not using anymore and have no future plans for them. Full disclosure... I did accidentally break off one of the terminals but was able to solder a wire with a male terminal on to it. So they both work and measure exactly the same. Let me know if your are interested and I will snap some pictures.

  • In the event this happens again, just remember the Zinger2 used the Seas 27TBFC/G with no required xover changes, and they are still available. Both designs have merit over the other in some ways, but they do sound very similar.

  • @PWRRYD said:
    You might be in luck! I have a pair I'm not using anymore and have no future plans for them. Full disclosure... I did accidentally break off one of the terminals but was able to solder a wire with a male terminal on to it. So they both work and measure exactly the same. Let me know if your are interested and I will snap some pictures.

    I am interested, PM sent!

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