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Stealth Force One update

Finally got around to messing with these. For those that don' t know, these were my contest speakers at InDIYana.
Ended up starting over on the crossover. Lowest impedance is about 3 ohms at 400 hz. These are measurements I took in my big room and they are in the middle of the room. Not the best for low end reinforcement. Closest wall is about 6 feet away on the side and 8 feet from front wall. listening distance is 12 feet away. they play very loud with a 50 watt amp. At the listening position they are hitting 97 db. That is 109 db at 3 ft. No signs of stress at all.

Anyway, I got them maybe even smoother now in the upper range and no more 7 db bump at 60 hz. Crossovers are at 275 hz and 2000 hz.



  • Good job. How did you splice the low end in? In room this might be a light lite on the midbass (100-400) and a little high on the treble. Not trying to nitpick as this could be within the margin of "voiced" preference and could sound great depending on the off-axis behavior.

  • @kenrhodes said:
    Good job. How did you splice the low end in? In room this might be a light lite on the midbass (100-400) and a little high on the treble. Not trying to nitpick as this could be within the margin of "voiced" preference and could sound great depending on the off-axis behavior.

    This is from 3 ft. The low end still has some cancelations below 500 hz. At the listening position, it has a downward slope of about 5-6 db.
    It is tuned to 31 hz and should get down into the 20s in room.

  • Very nice.

  • I enjoyed them at Indy, I'm sure they rock just as much now🤘🏼

  • @kenrhodes said:
    Very nice.

    I also wanted to add, measuring at the tweeter axis is a long way from the woofers and will show a lower output in the lower range. Even though the crossover is at 275 hz, the room is still creating problems at 3 feet. In the seating position it fills in quite a bit but of course plenty of dips in the response. The big room is not set up for good audio. It's more of a band room. Crazy stuff going on in there. Odd shape, drums ringing, PA cabinets, guitar cabinets etc. Speakers set way out from the front wall. Not the best enviroment.
    In the the small room they do -3 db at 21 hz.

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