Here are some measurements of the ACG for my 2nd design team project. Came out pretty cool. Making the cluster small and crossover low worked out as expected in terms of good horizontal and vertical dispersion. Friggen, thing cranks!
Final FF/NF spliced at 300.

Distortion 1M 95dB. Red is 2nd purple 3rd black THD.

Horizontal Polars 0-45

Vertical Polars 0-45

I was originally going to do separate crossovers for the L/R and Center thinking (and simming) a large difference with the L/R dumping off to each side while the center had a wide, even baffle. Surprisingly, there was no need. Here is the center 0, and 30 deg off axis, and the L/R 0 and 30 deg off axis offset -15dB for clarity. Aside from squiggles, pretty much too close to call or justify different crossovers.

X-over stuff is on order then I can make this stuff public(er) with pretty pics and the like.