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If I have but one day to attend AXPONA, which day should it be? Is Friday bad due to setup? Is Sunday bad due to teardown?


  • edited January 19

    Start at the top and work your way down. Take the elevator up first thing in the morning. (Be aware only one of 4 staircases going down is not a fire exit at the ground floor, so you can only use one stairway coming down. There are signs posted usually.) I usually look in each room, and if I have no interest, just right back out and on to the next one. There will be rooms you won't want to go into or listen very long.

  • I like Friday due to fewer people.

  • I will not be going, but maybe next year we will skip Indy and do Axpona.

    I have a signature.
  • I didn't realize tickets to AXPONA were so reasonable. I'll have to think about going sometime.

  • Any DIYer should do Axpona at least once. Well worth the time and money.

    I have a signature.
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