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Thinning the herd again. Most of this stuff is like new, potentially with some mounting marks around the screw holes (except as noted). The drivers you see mounted in cabinets in the pics are being sold separately, and I'll pull them out to ship, but if you want both pair of drivers, I'll throw the cabs in for free if you want to pay the extra shipping cost.
Everything is priced close to half off new and you pay shipping. I won't estimate shipping, but I get pretty good rates. Feel free to make offers too. I'd rather you guys get a deal than mess around on eBay.
FaitalPro 12PR300 4ohm - $250/pr - SOLD
TangBand W6-1139SIF - $80/pr - SOLD
Satori TW29DN-B 4 ohm - $150/pr
Scan Speak Revelator D2905/9900 - $275/pr - SOLD
Dynavox LW6004HR-N (New) - $80/pair
MCM 55-2421 8" sub - $100/quad
Dayton SD215A-88 - $40/pr - SOLD
Wavecor WF223BD02 - $200/pr
Wavecor SW182BD01 - $100/pr
Wavecor SW168WA01 - $85/pr
Wavecor SW146WA02 - $75/pr - SOLD
Yung SD200-6 plate amp - $75
PE finished cabs 0.38 cu ft gloss black - $150/pr
There's a line of crud on the bottom of one of the cabs that stuck from sitting on a piece of foam for too long. I got it off with my fingernail and some alcohol, so I know it can be removed, and probably easier with a better cleaner, but I didn't bother getting it all off. Tried to take a picture, but it didn't show up great.
For anyone looking at the Dynavox LW6 Kevlar, and don't have a design in mind, search out the Missing Link challenge from InDIYana a few years ago. Plenty of options to choose from....
InDIYana Event Website
I'm thinking w6, sw146, sd215, unless shipping is krazy. Where would they ship from? PP addy?
Michigan, near Detroit.
InDIYana Event Website
PM me your shipping address and I'll send you a total. If you're on the west coast it might be $50, but much less elsewhere.
Dan I'd like the Scan Speak Revelator D2905/9900
You got 'em.