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sub cabinet design

Hello, I am having a heck of a time trying to learn winISD, in an atempt to complete 3 sub cabinets. Are there any meetings coming up that I might glean some information and or assistance learning how to use the software? I cant even get it to download properly. I am not very computer savy!



  • Don't know where you are located, but InDIYana is in early May this year in Ft Wayne, IN. While I don't use WinISD, someone attending there likely does.

  • Or you could throw up the specs and what you are looking for on here, and someone would probably sim it up for you.

  • I really should write another tutorial for WinISD.

    I have a signature.
  • Hey @B_Riley - there area number of different versions of WinISD on the net. What works for me is WinISD Pro v Also, if you have MS Excel, Unibox is about the same.

    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
  • Have you seen the WinISD tutorial by JR?

  • That was a pretty good tutorial for the legacy WinISD, but I personally prefer the "new" version.

    Here is a download link to the "new" version:!AlHuPRQmBiX2iKgAvdapXZfFQP2sJA?e=9Oh8bq

    It is small enough to email if need be.

    Most of the principles I demonstrate in the older version are applicable to the new version, as well. I have no issue running it in Win10/11.

    I have a signature.
  • Here is the WinISD page where you can download the legacy version. Download 0.50 and follow the tutorial. Ask questions here, helpful bunch of guys.

    I have a signature.
  • edited February 26

    Once installed, IMO the biggest hump to get over is figuring out how to input driver TS data so it will actually use it and not error out. At a quick glance it seems JR's tutorial probably has that nailed down. Basically you need to add the minimum amount of data to get the program to calculate the rest and be happy.

  • Thank everyone. I will get busy

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