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Pro Driver Active 2 Way Project

Hi guys.
I've just got started on my latest project which I hope to demo this fall in Iowa. It is a monkey coffin 2-way using Eminence Delta Pro12A woofers and the newly released Tymphany DFM-2536R00-08 compression drivers in SEOS12 waveguides. I am using a MiniDSP 2x4 and two TDA7492 amp boards powered with 19.5 V laptop SMPS bricks. Modeling shows the drivers will output over 102 dB with only 15 watts (after BSL) so those tiny amp boards should be more than enough. I am excited to start playing with the MiniDSP. I should have the rough enclosures ready for driver measurements by next weekend. Here is a picture of what I've got done so far:



  • I'm looking forward to this Craig. Not only to hear the pro drivers (esp. the new Tymphany compression) but also those TDA class D chipamps.
    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
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