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I will update this when I get the chance, but for now going to keep rolling....

Crossovers are built and fit, mounting holes for woofers pre drilled and back panel fit for gear. So that meant I finally got to start the finish!!

I sanded everything to 320 and gave it a good wipe down. Got a thick coat of tung oil down hopefully and will 600 that tomorrow afternoon and then recoat and repeat 3 or 4 or however many more times.


  • Wow that wave effect is stunning. Great job!
    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • Thanks Jason! I hope to get a bushing set soon to improve on how well the inlays lie together.

    Next time I need to be more careful in the heat working that I don't pool sweat on the material. You can see the discoloration in the wood from where I did. Oh and learn.
  • So, it is basically done and have been doing some testing with what I believed would be the final equipment.  It sounds great.....except for the lack of bass. Erm ermErm ermErm erm

    Now, before you all go crazy on me, I know...they are 3" drivers.  BUT!!  I decided to do some testing....  through the Wondom 2x50 bluetooth the bass is lacking.... so I attempted to utilize the aux in barely output any sound at all...Need to contact PE about that.  

    So then I hooked up my Sure 2x100 through a 3.5mm mini plug.....uhmm....WOW!!  What kickass dynamic soundstage mongers!!!  EXACTLY what I was hoping for.....TOO BAD I CAN'T FIT THE BOARD!!!!!  

    So I'm kind of at a crossroads.  Say meh, good enough...... or do I try to find a 2x100 board that runs off 19V that is small enough?  I don't think it's possible unless I try to find a different battery pack as well......


    Updated pics to come.....
  • Whoa! That looks nice! Too bad about the bt amp, I've used a TPA3116 BT amp before, it was a 2.1 for the Harbingers for my bff. Sounded pretty good, I don't remember if it ran off 19v or 12v though.
    deadhorse - leviathan - harbinger - shockwave (wip)
  • If I am reading correctly, the Wondom boards use the TPA3110.  The 2 channel model could get 2x30 with 24V input into 4 ohms.  At 19V, you will get a lot less.  I think a TPA3116 board will do better with the Heliums and can run at your 19V.  I have run a them with that and have been pretty happy.
    Keep an open mind, but don't let your brain fall out.

    Sehlin Sound Solutions
  • Thanks fellas.  I'm gonna live with it at the moment as it does sound nice and I am going to lengthen the port about 1/2" - 3/4" and see how bass response changes.  I've also noticed that whoever predicted the battery wouldn't last long was correct, so I may need to go another route there as well.  :angry:  But that may change if I alter my amplifier choice, but then I need to find a BT module to use as well.  

    Let me know if you got any further suggestions.  Appreciate the help already given.
  • Nice work, Joey. I really lack cabinet skills so am always interested in different methods. Check your PM in a bit. 
    I have a signature.
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