So.... How do I convince people this is actually a very good result?

Take out the diffraction artifacts of the inset baffle and it would "look" a lot better. However, for years (and with some beloved British designs today) inset baffles were used, it had to be part of this retro-fit, and both Toole and Dickenson would argue the audibility once in-room. Further, it is very hard to understand what is happening with simple axial measurements with any kind of open-back driver. So needless to say I am a tad anxious over the reception these are going to get. The Distortion is at 1.5m by the way.
It becomes hard to make what has been come to be known as pretty lines when moving away from traditional designs. There are so many other factors that count. You can see from the distortion and the slight downward tilt of the spatial measurement that the overall response in the frequency domain is pretty flat.
Traditional axial response is certinly not a dog's brekfast, but there is not enough time to let the rear-wave of the mid fill-in so it looks slightly recessed.
Then the diffracrion.... I end up with sharp anomlies (see Toole's work on the audibility of rapid change in response...or lack there of) which do not look pretty on the surface.
I don't know. Maybe I should have stuck more traditional with the design team stuff. The masses *like* pretty axial responses.
I guess I just have way too emotional.of an investment in this stupid hobby. From my years of a scortched earth policy, I have yet to really recover, and it seems I cannot learn and have to throw something out there that sounds great, and for the kind of speaker measures great, but is not what the masses are use to looking at.
I don't have pics yet, just Sims. But a 2way I'm working has a similar curve on-axis. However they won't be used much that way so I targeted the off-axis more. If I posted it "over there", I would probably be ostracized!
I am not sure if the masses will understand this is not a traditional.3-way where pretty axial response will tell a good chunk of the story, but they will have to see something since it is my final design team project, so I am not sure what the heck to release to the dogs and the last thing I want to do iscome across like I am excusing something. I could write 10 pages about it but frankly, I don't wanna and I am unsure anyone would read lol.
I think they will show well at DIY NY, knowing Roman's space. So I may post the build, Z, and spatial, and keep the rest until after it is heard. Knowing what has recieved a good reception in the past, these should be a crowd please....Though Napolean had that confidence going into Russia, too.