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Sub amp issue

A couple years ago I built a 2.1 system for my younger brother. The sub used the SA70 and SD270 in 3 cubes tuned in the vicinity of 30Hz. The sub now only gives a 60hz hum even when fed a signal, and I suspect an issue with the amp.

Is this a known issue with the SA70, and if so is it repairable? Otherwise, if I just replace the amp with a new SA70 what are the chances of the amp failing again?


  • Every plate amp I've owned has failed.  That said the Dayton 5 year warranty was almost enough to get me to try one again...
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • I was hoping it'd last 8-10 years before going out, but I guess I give my brother a new plate amp for Christmas a bit more often.
  • If you bought the plate amp from PE you should check with their tech support. I had a plate amp fail which I assumed was out of warranty and they fixed it for free.  Some time later the original problem showed up again and they replaced the amp.


  • I'll check into that. Thanks Ron.
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