What would you look for in a 16 ohm woofer? Cost? Maximum extension? Minimal cabinet size? Ability to play high? Let's drop some thoughts here!
Personally, I like the look of a three woofered system - but I understand a lot of people may not have an amplifier capable of running three 12 ohm woofers, hence the 16 ohm option.
To me, and your mileage may vary, I am looking for:
1. Cost. On a system using six woofers, costs can escalate. This is not to say I am looking for GRS level costing, but I am also unable to commit to a sextet of $200 woofers, either.
2. Reasonably small enclosure requirements. When we are talking 3x the cabinet volume, it becomes an issue if the driver likes a cubic foot or more for maximum performance.
3. Decent extension - say it models well in a smallish enclosure to 40Hz.
4. I am not personally looking at sensitivity - as we will expect a significant boost through three paralleled drivers. A lower sensitivity option will not be a deal breaker to me.
5. Solid Xmax - see above points.
Thoughts? Throw them out, lets discuss!
I have a signature.
If strictly for a woofer, response to at least 1.2k to mate to dome mids and small box, low f3 and high xmax?
Everything JR mentioned and...
45- 50 Hz ported to 3K is fine, 4K is better
If I'm doing multiple woofers it's usually because I want a narrow cabinet, so anything over 6 inches would be a nonstarter. 4 inch is ideal in my world.
I'm tired of hiding pincushion and gasketed frames
The Dayton DS, DA, DSA 115's in 16 ohms would work for me.
4 inch is too small for "slam" and 6 inch box sizes are too big
With four 16ohm drivers, I could see a wtwww arrangement as well for a 2.5 way. Place the tweeter in a WG.