Finally got around to measuring some of those cheap caps I have been buying. The TI 18uF came from Steve Slater over at Apex Jr, the rest came off Ebay.

Be advised if buying the TI 18uF from Steve - there are two distinct varieties there. All of the TI 18uF are about 5% or less tolerance, but not overly tight. Good enough for a lot of projects, but the difference in sizes does irk me a tad.
Here is one of those ASC 1% 10uF jobbers I found the other day:

I have measured thousands of components - and have never had one hit spec at three decimal places. Pretty cool.
Here is a table of the results:

All in all, for what these caps cost on average - pretty decent. Even the weird TI are close enough to spec that it is debatable if measuring and modeling with actual value is worth your time. Depending on location in the circuit, that up-to-5% difference may result in barely noticeable/measurable difference.
I have a signature.
Yep, and I've ordered from that site a few times. For DIY amp projects, they stock some nice aluminum knobs at only a few bucks each, as well as the obvious switches, packs of resistors, various connectors, etc.
The caps work well, are absolutely worth the asking price IMO. Leads are fairly thin wire.