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Attaining Ranks and Perks

When you've gained 15 points, made 50 posts (comments or discussions), and your account is at least a week old you'll attain Rank 3. This has a couple perks:
  • You may give users badges.
  • You may invite up to 5 people per month to the forum.
As I adjust and tweak ranks and abilities I'll post the changes in here. Right now the only other perk is the ability to add a signature to your profile at Rank 2.

= Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."


  • So how long until I can invite d-bags like AE and Pallas to this forum? j/k
  • What is AE's deal man he really comes off like an a-hole on the forum. I won't even read his posts now among a few others. 
  • He is abrasive sometimes. 
    I have a signature.
  • I can handle his abrasiveness but 99% of his posts have zero value.  He never helps anyone, he just snipes people in threads.
  • PWRRYD said:
    I can handle his abrasiveness but 99% of his posts have zero value.  He never helps anyone, he just snipes people in threads.
    The sheer amount of that kind of thing "over there" is frustrating, for sure.

    There are also a lot of posters will post something like "My thoughts, too..." - OK. Glad we got that out of the way. Not sure if I find posts like that more aggravating, or posts like "You are so stupid grr margh lurrrr" that seem to come quite often from a particular individual. 

    Neither have any merit, but at least the stupid fluff posts are not designed to derail threads and piss people off. 
    I have a signature.
  • The other annoying type of PETT poster is the good ole Nut Swinger.  "I'm going to post in total agreement with Jeff Bagby every chance I get"....  not picking on Jeff.  I like him and respect him in many ways, but not every one of his speaker designs sound that awesome.
  • Ummm on further review I think my last post just swang on JRs nut sack :astonished: 
  • Just a swangin'
    I have a signature.
  • PWRRYD said:
    The other annoying type of PETT poster is the good ole Nut Swinger.  "I'm going to post in total agreement with Jeff Bagby every chance I get"....  not picking on Jeff.  I like him and respect him in many ways, but not every one of his speaker designs sound that awesome.
    Not heard that term before. "Barnacle" is the (derogatory) reference to that type of forum poster that I'm more familiar with (from the old MTG forums).
  • Dropping it down playa 

    Aww, I was hoping for gif support 
  • Tom, interestingly enough, it works if you link to another host, weird.
    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • jr@mac said:
    The sheer amount of that kind of thing "over there" is frustrating, for sure.

    There are also a lot of posters will post something like "My thoughts, too..." - OK. Glad we got that out of the way. Not sure if I find posts like that more aggravating, or posts like "You are so stupid grr margh lurrrr" that seem to come quite often from a particular individual. 

    Neither have any merit, but at least the stupid fluff posts are not designed to derail threads and piss people off. 
    Yep!!!  :s
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