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Audio myths - lets have some fun!

So we all know audio, specifically the in-home reproduction of, is rife with snake oil and myths and general bullshit. Let's have a fun discussion about these! I'll start:

1. The 10% rule in DIY is hogwash - I am talking about the guys who say your DIY speaker should, if you know what you are doing, sound like a commercial speaker costing 10x what you have into it. I call this one a myth for a couple reasons... One, it ignores the costly process of actually, you know, building the thing. Time and material add up rapidly on a DIY build. Also, the inverse is rarely true. If the person making that claim can show me how to build one of those Pioneer/Andy Jones models for $15/pr - let me know, I'd be all over those drivers like a fat SoDak DIY'er on a case of cheap beer. Other than a myriad of obvious poor crossover designs on a wide price range of speakers, I am not convinced any longer that we can meet that 10% rule chasing the ultra high end, either. I mean - have you guys seen a Sonus Faber or Magico (Magico needs to hire a DIYer to do their XO work) cabinet? Even the really cheap stuff has perfect miter joints, the vinyl peel-n-stick is absent flaws, the grill cloth is wrinkle free, etc. I suck at building cabinets (thank you Duratex). 

2. Driver pricing is a reflection of what you get. Pretty sure we can all agree that price points should be pretty much disregarded these days. Too many very expensive Aurum Cantus and Eton and Accuton drivers that perform like $40 Dayton drivers (or in the case of AC, have such crappy QC that their T/S specs put them on par with such illustrious offerings as Goldwood and GRS - at least GRS have honesty in advertising going for them). All the more reason for independent testing and reviewing with no influence from vendor or other entities with compromised interests. 

3. Magic pebbles are bullshit. So are cable risers and magic clocks and weird sweep tones on compact disks. Again, I think we can all agree on this one. 

Let's have some fun! Jump in and lets hear your best rant! Whatever you think of someone like Zaph - his glaring absence the last 3-4 years has had a ripple effect and objectivists are slowly becoming endangered species again - worse, in his absence the pseudoscience harpies are beginning to get a foothold again - I loves me some subjectivity, but enough is enough! 
I have a signature.


  • Using 6N silver wire in  your cables will keep vampires and/or werewolves away from your house - not true. I got attacked by a vampire whilst listening to my $10,000 cables attached to my DIY speakers a few weeks ago. I sold my wires, bought 20ft of lamp cord from Lowe's and filled my house with Garlic. That ought to do it.
    deadhorse - leviathan - harbinger - shockwave (wip)
  • "If a driver is low distortion, then it's going to sound better."
  • That one requires much explanation. I happen to agree, but that is based on some experience with bad horns/waveguides, improper crossovers, and perhaps some other factors. 
    I have a signature.
  • jr@mac said:
    That one requires much explanation. I happen to agree, but that is based on some experience with bad horns/waveguides, improper crossovers, and perhaps some other factors. 
    Yeah, I'm sort of being vague on purpose. Like, it matters whether we're talking about harmonic out linear distortion, but rarely does anyone qualify that (maybe they don't know the difference?). 

    This is a must to have in this thread!

    Not as bad as some of the other videos I've seen about traps.
    deadhorse - leviathan - harbinger - shockwave (wip)
  • I've never tested this one... but I read that people used to keep their CDs in the refrigerator because it somehow made them sound better.

    Next up... which power cable really gives the best soundstage?...  :p
  • ive been heavily involved with car audio lately. So many myths and ROTs that still exist. Ugh. It is part of what gives them such a bad rep. But i will say, when it comes to the level of hardware available for the price, home is lagging behind. DSP units with 10+ bands of peq on each channel, time delay, measuring, etc these guys are leading the way. 

  • Maybe 'cause they're in their cars more than home.  :p
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • ive been heavily involved with car audio lately. So many myths and ROTs that still exist. Ugh. It is part of what gives them such a bad rep. But i will say, when it comes to the level of hardware available for the price, home is lagging behind. DSP units with 10+ bands of peq on each channel, time delay, measuring, etc these guys are leading the way. 

    J. River has all those features built in.

  • Face said:
    J. River has all those features built in.

    So does DBX and MiniDSP.
  • To a point they do. One thing the jl, helix, and a few others add in is a pre 10 band peq. For car audio guys, the minidsp is getting surpassed quickly. The new unit from audiofrog/audiocontrol will.feature 24 ch, rta, etc. Im not a real fan yet of full on active, but that bias is starting to fade in some regards.
  • Yeah, I'm sort of being vague on purpose. Like, it matters whether we're talking about harmonic out linear distortion, but rarely does anyone qualify that (maybe they don't know the difference?). 
    Right. Unless I am mistaken (since MarkK has taken down his site) linear distortion can be summed up in the frequency response and harmonic is a little more complex no? Also it gets worse since even order harmonics don't sound like distortion to our ears at all, given say Horns have majority second order harmonics in output for instance.
    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • "Off-axis frequency response doesn't matter because I always sit in the sweet spot".

    As if when you turn a speaker away from you its sound becomes inaudible....
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