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DSP Dayton vs Minidsp 2x4HD

  I've really enjoyed my mini dsp 2x4 and I'm looking to upgrade. I was looking to upgrade to the 2x4HD but the Dayton unit has some nice features. Is the Dayton a better unit?


  • I was considering the dayton for the remote and wireless tuning ability. I don't know enough about dsp to determine which is better. I bought 2 minidsp's but bith were really noisey with every power source i tried. Sold them both immediately. I want to use dsp to run full range to a pair of passive  mains and add subs (active 2 way).
  • I have both the minidsp and the plate amp, and have had NO issues.  That being said, looks like Dayton plates provide option for 600/200 W (4ohm) in one of their units.  Minidsp plates either 125/125 or 250/250
  • On a hardware level the minidsp has a lot more horsepower with the shark processor, allowing FIR filters so you have to decide if that's important to you. The 2x4HD is also capable of 24/96kHz sampling, Dayton is only capable of 48kHz. Dayton is more in line with the standard 2x4, with a nicer analog stage.
    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • I was just looking at the Dayton DSP for kicks.  If I read the manual correctly it supports Bessel, BW, and LR but only up to 24 dB/octave.  The basic MiniDSP 2x4 supports up to 48 dB/octave.  Maybe important to some applications and not to others.
  • Found a mini dsp HD 2x4 on the diyloudspeaker launch pad for 115 shipped with psu and software. Ill give it a shot.  
  • D1PP1N said:
    Found a mini dsp HD 2x4 on the diyloudspeaker launch pad for 115 shipped with psu and software. Ill give it a shot.  
    Yeah, IIRC, there were qty 2 and they went very quickly. Great price!
    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
  • Haha yeh i happen to log on at the perfect time!
  • Good score!
      I would like to use a 2x4hd as the heart of my system, crossing over the main speakers and feeding output to my Inuke 3000dsp for sub duty. Unfortunately I don't see any way to do this without splitting the signal going to the woofer, limiting my control for the woofer. 
      I guess the simplest way to put it I'm looking for a way to do a 2x4.1. 4 DSP outputs and one preamp output.

    Any thoughts?
  • edited November 2018
    @kenrhodes Split the signal at the input to the DSP, not the output.

    I spent a few minutes with the Dayton DSP 408 software yesterday, and wasn't super impressed. It doesn't implement the high pass and low pass fitler functions properly, but at least the transfer function it generates should match reality. It's filter function graph only shows +/- 12dB, which wouldn't be enough for my needs, we should have -20 to -30dB response charts.

    The other missing feature is the ability to import some frequency response data, so you can visualize the effect of the filter on a pre-filter measurement. This is a rel missed opportunity since it wouldn't require a lot of development effort, though FWIW other DSPs don't implement this feature well either. MiniDSP does allow import of FRD data, though you have to format it to only have less than 331 data points, most of my data has 1000+ data points. Hypex software doesn't allow import of any Frequency response data either, but they have integrated some measurement system, which IMO is a completely wasted effort, since allowing importing of frequency response data would require a lot less development effort, and there's already free software that does it better than the Hypex software.

    As far as software functionality, at this point miniDSP is on top for me. I'd put the Hypex software on par when/if they allow import of frequency response data.

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • dcibel said:

    The other missing feature is the ability to import some frequency response data, so you can visualize the effect of the filter on a pre-filter measurement. This is a rel missed opportunity since it wouldn't require a lot of development effort, though FWIW other DSPs don't implement this feature well either. MiniDSP does allow import of FRD data, though you have to format it to only have less than 331 data points, most of my data has 1000+ data points.

    I was working on a C# tool a while ago that allowed arbitrary calculations on FRD data (via interpolation, etc, etc). If that is interesting let me know. I was about half finished with the code when I moved on to something else. My original goal with the software was to be able to "back out" baffle response from measurements. Applications would extend beyond that though.
    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • dcibel said:
    @kenrhodes Split the signal at the input to the DSP, not the output.

    MiniDSP does allow import of FRD data, though you have to format it to only have less than 331 data points, most of my data has 1000+ data points.
        Found it frustrating trying to reduce the number of data points to 331 and gave up on it.  
  • edited November 2018
    I'll look through my collection of spreadsheets, I've got one that will do the task, but again this is something that is frustrating and shouldn't require much development effort to remove this limitation and allow for 1000-10000+ data points to be used.
    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • edited November 2018
    Found it. This is an old spreadsheet that's awkward to use but it will do all the response splicing, HBT tails, resampling etc. I couldn't say if it works on any recent version of Excel, I've got a VM loaded with Office 2003 that I keep for all these old FRD spreadsheets.

    It won't attach here, so here's a link to it on google drive:

    Instructions are included.

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • I'll be selling mine, not overly impressed with reviews so far. 
    I have a signature.
  • To my Mac brothers, I'll ship it to you for $85.
    I have a signature.
  • You got mail.

  • I've only heard this DSP unit once. Two employees from PE used this new DSP unit along with a multi channel amp in their project at InDIYana.  I honestly couldn't decide what was the exact problem.  There was clearly something that was just not right.  I'm not sure if it was the new RST28F tweeter, the new RS dome midrange, the new DSP unit, or just poor execution.  This active project was my only "What???" project.
  • They crossed the RST at 4K as I recall.
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • That seems just a bit high for a tweeter that large? 
  • I was hoping to use the minidsphd as a preamp. Splitting the signal before the mini will disabled the feature. I don't have a HD to play with yet, I only have the minidsp.I
      If someone had one for sale they should hit me up.๐Ÿ˜‰
  • Kornbread said:
    That seems just a bit high for a tweeter that large? 
    Yes, goes to the whole implementation thing.  Either Matt or Geoff said they they did not have time to optimize
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • Messed with my minidsp HD a few days ago for a bit. It's kinda fun to do quick tweaks on it. This is a facetted baffle DX25 and Hivi L6-r raw responses and response after about 15 minutes of tweaks which mostly was me trying to figure out what does what in the software. Super quick to dial it in but although it sounds pretty clean it's still slightly off sounding. Could be my placement as it's in the middle of my room still. 

  • The down side to using something like the minidsp, you never stop tweaking it. 
  • Another Black Friday deal - Gone....!
  • Ani what was the Black Friday deal?

  • edited December 2018
    Homework has come to a standstill till another book arrives, hopefully tomorrow. 

    Time to play.

    The minidsp software is easier to operate, feels more refined, more flexibility, and hands down better than the dsp408.  Still working on copying a minidsp filter to the dsp408.  The dsp408 does come in a sturdy feeling case with a bit of heft to it.  Have yet to get it in the system. 

    Never had the problems with the mini software crashing like this.                 
  • That bump around 2k is a real pita. It showed up in my real xover too. I'm not sure how to squash it down. 

  • I hope the dsp408 does not end up being another PE bag-o-crap product.
  • edited December 2018
    PWRRYD said:

    I hope the dsp408 does not end up being another PE bag-o-crap product.
    I'm no techy but seeing how I'm having trouble just trying to connect to the damn thing without the software crashing makes me wonder.  
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