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new nano cones coming

We always knew that nano technology would give use new, great materials for better speakers.
The carbon-fiber cones can be good (or not, sometimes).
This new material looks perfect for speaker cones. Very high stiffness to weight ratio.
They are calling it "nano-cardboard"

But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!


  • Crystalline Nanocellulose-Reinforced Paper for Speaker Design

    NE_2014_13 Crystalline Nanocellulose (CNC) is a novel green material with mechanical properties rivaling those of Kevlar. Cellulose paper has long been used in the production of loudspeaker cones as it yields desirable acoustic properties. By implementing CNC into a paper composite, we hope to achieve superior mechanical properties without compromising audio quality, allowing for thinner, lighter speaker cones and a significant reduction in speaker driver cost.

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