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Looking for horn expert to help with the build.

Hey guys. Most of you have seen my main system at some point. It towers behind on all NY/NJ DIY get togethers.  I've had it for a few years and it's been going through one transformation in to another. Currently, it is a 3-way active DSP. After listening to a few humongous horn systems I formed an opinion that while top end and mid-range of the horns are not exactly to my liking. The bass is generally most life like. So, I would like to replace 8ft^3 ported boxes with a large J horn.
Main line array which consists of JX-92 drivers can play full range or can be filtered not to go below set frequency. I am thinking that the horn should cover 40hz to 200hz. The ceiling in my space is 16ft so there's room to go, however I am not looking to build a dedicated horn subwoofer, rather just a bass horn for a 3 way system.
I can 3-D model, CNC the parts and open to a joint build where I can cut you parts as well.
My horn design skills are limited to a very basic knowledge.


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