Not 100% ready to commit to boxing it all up just yet, but will do so in the next week or so.
Marantz NR1403, low profile (NOT class D) AVR. No networking so no apps. I bought it when my big Onkyo died because it offers 2.1 analog outputs. I never hooked up a speaker to the nanners on the back - it only served as HDMI switcher/DAC. No video processing. Just a nice, very clean sounding preamp is all it really was for me. It does have Audyssey, and I might even have the microphone for it. Power output is rated at 50WPC/8ohms. No idea if it will do 4 ohms, as I said - I never hooked a single speaker up to it. sheet.pdfWill ship in original packaging.
Oppo BD105d. Yep, I am going to move this bad boy on down the road. Absolutely nothing wrong with it, stellar audio and video processing, balanced and single ended outputs. I have been using it as a pre/pro of sorts since I purchased it, but I recently acquired a pretty nice Marantz pre/pro which does all of the things the Oppo does *plus* some, and do not require redundant capabilities within my system. Original packaging, Oppo has exited the business as far as these kinds of things go - so it is actually becoming collectible.
Don't be afraid to make me preliminary offers, but realize as much as I am willing to cut my MAC brothers a deal I also know what that Oppo is worth

Both of these will probably ship "signature required".
The Oppo will not go on the auction block until I am happy with the new Marantz, only fair to bring that up. The Marantz 1403 can go anytime, I just gotta dust it and get it boxed up.
I have a clean, older Yamahammer AVR with HDMI switching. It is from around 2008 or so. Not sure it is worth shipping - so if there is any interest in it, I will gladly haul it to DakotaDIY or maybe we can arrange for some kind of shipping arrangement. It was a decent receiver back in the day, model is RX-V661. No remote or microphone (apparently it had some type of early auto calibration software built in). Very dated nowadays, but would still work just fine in a simple HDTV system with a BD player or gaming console.
I have an even older Onkyo two channel receiver, TX-820. Interesting little fella. Rated at 40wpc. No remote, but apparently it is easy enough to program a lot of universal remotes to work with it. All I ever did with it was listen to a few tunes in the garage. Same shipping stipulations apply as to the Yamaha.
I am not looking to rake in the dough with the Yammy or the Onkyo, so keeping in mind how much it costs to ship these kinds of things I am much more inclined to hand it off at the next DDIY event, or to someone reasonably local.
As always, first dibs to the MAC brothers.
I will work on getting that bigass Marantz integrated into my system so I can get going on moving the Oppo.
I have a signature.
Matt - if you can wait until DDIY, I can cut you a very good deal, otherwise shipping will be a bitch.
Ani - sorry!