Amanda grabbed these off the door prize table last October, and this weekend expressed an interest in doing a design of her own. So I decided to go ahead and break one in and take some T/S parameters to start with. Based on the parameters, I will order a pair of the PE 0.56 cubic foot knock downs. Of course, I will be re-testing them with her when she is ready to start her design.
Without further ado.
Loudspeaker parameters:
Fs = 54.84 Hz
Re = 5.46 ohms[dc]
Le = 92.39 uH
L2 = 648.31 uH
R2 = 29.03 ohms
Ke = 0.087558 sH
Qt = 0.52
Qes = 0.67
Qms = 2.21
Mms = 15.38 grams
Rms = 2.397945 kg/s
Cms = 0.000548 m/N
Vas = 15.76 liters
Sd= 143.14 cm^2
Bl = 6.550822 Tm
ETA = 0.37 %
Lp(2.83V/1m) = 89.45 dB
Added Mass Method:
Added mass = 20.00 grams
Diameter= 13.50 cm

Sample 1 is what I used to derive the T/S parameters. There are some minor differences in the resonance peak indicating some differences in motor strength, but that is probably not worth worrying about.

There is a type on the above image - it says MF135/77L8 twice, in point of fact the second MF135 should read MF165. As I have come to expect from smaller and/or boutique manufacturers, actual versus claimed specifications are different enough to warrant a caution should one purchase these.
These are available at Solen. Mfr website:
I have a signature.