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Orevox WP-4008 - Parts Express 4" Poly cone buyout

I believe these were around $13 for a pair when I grabbed them. They did not last long IIRC. 

Sample 1

Loudspeaker parameters:

Fs  = 63.03 Hz
Re  = 3.40 ohms[dc]
Le  = 125.01 uH
L2  = 216.15 uH
R2  = 6.48 ohms
Qt  = 0.42
Qes = 0.52
Qms = 2.06
Mms = 4.85 grams
Rms = 0.930019 kg/s
Cms = 0.001316 m/N
Vas = 4.44 liters
Sd= 49.02 cm^2
Bl  = 3.538650 Tm
ETA = 0.21 %
Lp(2.83V/1m) = 88.94 dB

Added Mass Method:
Added mass = 10.00 grams
Diameter= 7.90 cm

Sample 2

Loudspeaker parameters:

Fs  = 58.88 Hz
Re  = 3.53 ohms[dc]
Le  = 131.08 uH
L2  = 212.85 uH
R2  = 6.48 ohms
Qt  = 0.38
Qes = 0.47
Qms = 1.96
Mms = 5.45 grams
Rms = 1.027011 kg/s
Cms = 0.001340 m/N
Vas = 4.52 liters
Sd= 49.02 cm^2
Bl  = 3.894322 Tm
ETA = 0.19 %
Lp(2.83V/1m) = 88.42 dB

Added Mass Method:
Added mass = 10.00 grams
Diameter= 7.90 cm

Free air impedance:

Simulated in 6L tuned to 55Hz - pretty decent extension for a 4", and the two samples are pretty close in the models.

I took some FR measurements a while back.

So to get a rough idea of things, here is the baffle signature as calculated by Response Modeler:

Here is the farfield - I don't remember exactly the distance but I almost always measure at 1/2M:

Here is a nearfield:

Here is a distortion plot taken at 1M, 90db. It goes to hell at that volume level.

As can be seen from the variety of measurements, it exhibits a "cliff" in the response similar to many other cheap (and some not so cheap) drivers between 1 and 2K. While this can complicate crossover design, at least it does not have a corresponding breakup to deal with. 

One thing to observe, as well, is that this distortion measurement is taken on the wide open baffle - it is sure to be better in a properly design enclosure meaning it is probably pretty solid on the bottom end. 

I have a signature.


  • Thanks for the measurements JR.  I picked up 2 pair at the tent sale for $12.80.

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