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Step or two up from Speedsters

edited December 2018 in DIY
wanna stay in the same ball park of size.  Mac of ~.5cy ft.  My speedsters disappear as far as staging, love their depth and the ribbon is a plus but not a necessity.  First blush I’d like to use ares/Apollo variant as I’ve wanted to try anarchys for a long time....

thinking of upgrading my marantz nr1603 but love it.

thougts?  Thanks!  

(Sorry if out of whack, few holiday drinks... 😂😂😂)


  • Lots of 15 liter 2-ways, probably comes down to budget and what drivers.  If this is HT then I'd focus on midrange clarity and forgo the anarchy's for SB or similar.
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • I love my Marantz nr1606. Keep yours. One of Jeff Baby's latest creations is the Revolution(s) - available as a kit at Meniscus, and/or documented in a Facebook group "DIY Loudspeaker Pad". Arguably not quite as deep as authoritative bass as the Speedsters, but killer clarity and clean dynamics. Two versions, SB soft cone for about $500, SB hard cone with Beryllium tweeter for about $1K.  Can be built in 7 Liter or 14 Liter net.  As far as I'm concerned, that's the top option, but the little CSS P215 kit is supposed to be very good (I've not heard it).
    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
  • Gentlemen, Greta rec’s.  I should have mentioned I will have a subwoofer augmenting note low end .....

    keep reca coming.  I have a set of kairos cabs I’m tying to sell also that I thought of building out but know they are a few years old.....
  • Woooooooo!!!  Maybe a few too many cocktails lat night. 😂😂😂

    ok, so revolutions, css p215....  I have built numerous cabs for bagby designs and never heard a one. 😕. But I know css is on the up and up and I believe they have the ld22 that lots of people are loving these days.

    Are there a few other options?

  • Css p215 kit is killer kit I would go with that option. Craigs recent build with ceramic sb and hivi planer is top notch as well. I didnt like the revolutions at meniscus. Bass was not as good as expected and I thought they were too bright. Ani's Penguins I thought sounded better (ld22). 
  • D1PP1N said:
    Craigs recent build with ceramic sb and hivi planer is top notch as well.
    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • The Revolutions at Meniscus were not as nice as the pair at InDIYana in the Spring. Those are the 2 versions of the kit. Ani's Penguins are an exceptional design.

    I still think the gear at Meniscus was partially to blame for some of the sound there. My Fenrir sounded mid-murky, and they just, well, aren't!

  • My waveguide build sounded bad there too. I know it sounds good on my setup and at a previous event. Rory heard it at my house and we played them most of the night. 
  • JasonP said:
    Given your stated requirements, I would also go with Craig's SB Ceramic - HiVi planar design.
    Keep an open mind, but don't let your brain fall out.

    Sehlin Sound Solutions
  • Can you guys provide a link for Craig's design?  Thanks!
  • I'll also add my two thumbs up for Craig's SB CAC design. It sounded great and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it.


  • Ani's penguins

    Craig's build. 
  • Thanks for the compliments guys!  I spent months working on the crossover and voicing and ended up loving them.  They are by far my best design to date.  I don't have an official write up on this design but would be happy to email any of you the baffle layout, the box and port dimensions, and the crossover schematic.
  • Please send to “myhandle”

    replace myhandle with joeybutts

  • Gimme a couple days to draw everything up and I will email ya.
  • Thanks!!!  No rush....
  • Craig,
    I would be very interested.
    Thank you.

  • Will send it your way Howard.  It was a pleasure to meet you at Jeff's seminar.  Man that seems like a LONG time ago!
  • It was a long time ago.  I have been retired for almost two years.  My wife has had some health issues and I was able to help her thru it.  She is much better now so I hope to get a little more active.  Thanks again.
  • PS:  It was a pleasure meeting you as well.  You seem to be doing well with your speaker projects.  
  • Wasn't it 2013? Just checked- yep! Winter-end that year.

    Wow... time flies!

  • PWRRYD said:
    Thanks for the compliments guys!  I spent months working on the crossover and voicing and ended up loving them.  They are by far my best design to date.  I don't have an official write up on this design but would be happy to email any of you the baffle layout, the box and port dimensions, and the crossover schematic.
    I'm interested!
    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
  • That really is a stunning sounding speaker. Craig found the sweet spot for both of the drivers. I was surprised how much clean bass they could actually deliver in a conference room.
  • I sent emails to you Joey, Howard, and Joe.
  • Oh I have already inspected, studied and questioned.  :blush:  I am very torn on what to build, and am considering both. :smirk:
  • PWRRYD said:
    I sent emails to you Joey, Howard, and Joe.
    Thanks, got the email w attachments. Preshade it.
    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
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