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DakotaDIY 2019 - June 8th - Firm Date

edited February 2019 in Announcements
More details to come, but I expect a very experienced industry professional to be there. He worked in the pro audio division of TAD, owns several patents on some interesting products currently being marketed by a large electronics company that is venturing into pro audio, and also spent time with Tymphany. One of his projects was the original sound system in Paisley Park. 

That all being said, preliminary plans are to more or less follow the relaxed approach of the last few years. Same venue, so I will be looking at keeping attendance around 30 people or so. If I decide to go larger, it will move to a Hampton or even to my wife's work. They have a very nice, comfortable meeting room there. Lot of hotels in that immediate vicinity, along with several nice restaurants etc. 

As I said, early stages of planning at the moment. If you want me to throw a shindig - let me know sooner than later so I can make plans for the larger venue. 
I have a signature.


  • I will be there...
  • I'll be there for sure!
  • I'll be here.

  • I'll be there too! Not sure what I'll be bringing....
  • I'll be there as well! I'm sure I can find something to bring ;)
  • Being a newbie.... What city?
  • Sioux Falls SD
  • Count me in too.
  • I'll be starting an email distribution soon, if you would like to be included you can PM me here or send an email to:

    dakotadiy at outlook dot com
    I have a signature.
  • I should be there, though the fact that my store's physical inventory is around that time might make it tight. But I'll make it work!
    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • Crap - I might have a conflict on the 15th. There's a possible reunion show with the band I ran sound for in the 90's. We were like family and played around 100 shows/year throughout Iowa and surrounding states. 
  • It is high likelihood it will be the 8th

    I have a signature.
  • Couldn't get much better than that - getting to hang with friends on both weekends!!
  • I know I was going to email the first email - but I got busy. I went back to my previous work to do a small project for them (parts inventory and train a new guy on the MRO software) and one thing led to another and I am getting back together with my Ex. They sweetened the deal, to boot. Mandatory 45hrs or less, they agreed to fund and staff the department to my requirements - and gave me a raise on top of it all. 

    I will be signing the final offer letter Thursday - and starting back the 18th. 

    I digress.

    I plan on getting things rolling this week for sure. Stay tuned. 
    I have a signature.
  • awesome news, JR!
  • So is school out then? Or are you still going back?
  • Great news JR.  They always say the fastest way to get a promotion is to quit and get rehired.
  • School will still happen, Ben. 
    I have a signature.
  • DDIY is officially canceled this year.
    I have a signature.
  • Sad news indeed. I was looking forward to seeing everyone again.

    Everything OK, JR?
  • Everything is fine guys. I'm considering September. 
    I have a signature.
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