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Get familiar with the reaction system: Introducing the Reaction System


We're working on getting some of the coated Carbon and coated Pulp/Kevlar drivers for Spring. We'll only get a few to test the waters. 5.5'', 7'', 8.75''.



  • Interested in some 5.5". We'll see...
    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
  • I'll wait for these...….maybe.
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • Interested in both the 5.5's and the 8.75's!
  • Are they really made in Canada? I thought for sure they would be China/Asia OEM at the prices you offer.
    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • edited January 2019
    Drivers are made in Canada. We're supposed to have the specs in February. 

    Caps are designed in Canada, tested in Europe and manufactured in China.
  • dcibel said:
    Are they really made in Canada? I thought for sure they would be China/Asia OEM at the prices you offer.
    RAD makes very little if anything on our products. Many times we offer products at or below wholesale. It is weird that more people don't jump.
    We recently had the KB and KVC on sale for less than $40.  :open_mouth: We also have had the Builders Pack on sale for quite a while at $49. This is a ridiculous price for these caps.
    We've been trying to hold to our plan of offering the products to the community at rock-bottom prices, but it is hard to run a store with little profit/support. RAD has held steady on visits for more than 2 years and it is on the projected mark. This is good, but we get an incredible amount of tire-kickers or window-shoppers. We delete those asap when we recognize them.
    I don't mind doing small posts like this to give people insight.

  • What's up with that email I received a day or so ago?  You're doing....what?

  • MartyH said:
    What's up with that email I received a day or so ago?  You're doing....what?

    Yeah, just saw that - RAD will be only "B2B".
    Are we members?
    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
  • edited January 2019

    We are working out some kinks and trying to get a members-only section to work with the existing store. It’s tricky and we’re not sure if it will work. If we can get it to work, there will be a completely different pricing structure, similar to our B2B but different. If we can’t get it to work, RAD will be B2B only. I don’t want to create another store.
     I’ll update as we progress.

  • I don't understand. B2B? What is that? I got no e-mail that I recall...
  • Bed and Breakfast 
  • Wolf said:
    I don't understand. B2B? What is that? I got no e-mail that I recall...

    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
  • Business to business?
  • Wolf said:
    Business to business?
    That was my interpretation. It makes a lot of sense for RAD - then you are shipping dozens of drivers per order instead of pairs and quads.
    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
  • rjj45 said:
    That was my interpretation. It makes a lot of sense for RAD - then you are shipping dozens of drivers per order instead of pairs and quads.
    Many times, products are sucked up by the locals who are small business types. It works well for them and for us. We're still trying to figure a way to make the members' thing work so there can be access and group buys etc. We're not sure how to go about it yet. With some new products (to RAD) coming next month, I don't want DIY'ers to miss out.
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