Curious if any of you are running the ASUS RTAC86U router or its bigger 8 port brother? Im on the hunt and need to upgrade, this one looked nice. It seems to have issues though, with the 2.4 crapping out after a couple hours to a couple months of use and they have to be sent in for repair.
Thanks for the info guys.
I've no experience or opinion of ASUS routers per se, but one thing I always look for these days is few or no security vulnerabilities. Not sure that ASUS is good in that regard. I"m seeing a steady stream of ASUS router vulns the last few years.
I use a small "home/SMB" Cisco wireless router as AP connected to a Switch that in turn is connected to the cable company's router and the wireless transfer rate difference is huge. It is an old Cisco box, so not super fast, but better than any of the routers provided by the cable company (4 already).