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Tacklife SDP50DC Cordless Rechargeable Screwdriver 3.6-Volt

TacklifeDirect via Amazon offers its Tacklife Advanced Cordless Rechargeable Screwdriver for $29.97. Coupon code "OTLDR6SV" cuts it to $21.88. With free shipping, that's $8 off list and the best price we could find, although we saw it for $2 less in January. This 3.6-volt screwdriver features a 2,000mAh Li-ion battery, LED, 30 driver bits, extension bit holder, and a USB charging cable. Deal ends May 9.


  • I own one. It's not a true powerhouse, but can drive a self-tapping screw into plywood (barely). All in all, a nice ease to charge power screwdriver. I understand there are attachments for cutting, right-angle, etc. etc. that can be bought separately.
    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • Agreed , drill a couple pilot holes and youre golden! 
  • i have a little li-ion screw driver, it's super handy bc you'll always need one for whatever menial task and every time you reach for it, you'll say, "I'm really glad I bought this thing"
    deadhorse - leviathan - harbinger - shockwave (wip)
  • i have a little li-ion screw driver, it's super handy bc you'll always need one for whatever menial task and every time you reach for it, you'll say, "I'm really glad I bought this thing"
    For sure , I have the M12 mileewuakees for the "heavy" stuff, but its sure nice to have the these little drill guns on hand for the small stuff. 
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